5 years of math question

Greetings, my kid has had the following sequence of math classes in HS:

IM2+, IM3+, AP Calc AB and currently AP Stat

In 8th grade he took Math 8/1 which was a condensed Math 8 and Math 1 class. Math 1 being the typical 9th grade math class. Can he count this as his 5th year of math for the Cal Poly SLO application? I wasn’t sure since it was a combined class but in 9th grade he did take sophomore math.

It wasn’t graded though like a typical high school (semester) course. Ever quarter the grade re-set.


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I would contact SLO admissions but based on the HS sequence, it appears that class could be counted towards the 5 years of Math.


Applicants to CPSLO should report high school level math and foreign language courses taken while in middle school in order to get credit for them in CPSLO’s MCA calculation.

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Yes, 8th grade math and foreign language count toward total years of that subject if they are high school level curriculum. Students must report the 8th grade classes to get credit for the subject years. Cal Poly will not assume the student took algebra one in 8th grade if they started geometry in 9th.

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thanks everyone

Hello. New user parent here with Junior student. Still confused on 10 semesters of math and how to determine if 8th grade math counts. DS was in the honors 8th grade math, but it is only listed as Math 8 on his middle school transcript. I have an email in to the school to get a better description. His HS math has been: Freshman: Geometry/Alg 1 Honors; Sophomore: Alg 2/Trig Honors; Junior: AP Calc AB; Will take AP Calc BC next year. I am trying to figure out if his 8th grade math will count as the 2 extra semesters or if he should try to pick up additional math to reach the 10 semesters. How does Cal Poly confirm if the middle school math is appropriate? If his 8th grade doesn’t count, is Stats taken concurrently at a JC acceptable for Math? Appreciate any help/advice on this.

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It is always interesting to see how each HS categorizes their Math progression courses since I see no Pre-Calculus listed but Trig/Algebra 2 instead. Also Geometry with Algebra 1 together.

Do you have a description of the course? Is there an option in Middle school to take any higher Math course then Honors 8th grade Math?

You might want to contact SLO admissions since his Math course progression puts him ahead of many HS students especially if he will be taking Calc BC Senior year.

Based on his Math progression, 8th grade Math should count.

I don’t have a description of the 8th grade course yet. It was the highest available…only regular and honors at middle school though. How does CP confirm if it is indeed eligible? Do they just accept it as truth?

Normally Algebra 1 and Geometry are each year long courses at his school. The Geometry / ALG 1 honors course covered two years of info in 1 year. Same with Alg 2/Trig H Sophomore year.

Just received this back from the middle school: “The 8th grade advanced Math Class uses the 2018 enVision Algebra 1 book, which is designed for high school students. This class prepares students for the rigor of high school algebra or advanced math classes.”

Great, so you can list the 8th grade math course which will give him the 5 years. SLO does not automatically assume the full Math progression unless you list the Middle school Math courses so it is taken at face value that he had 1 year of an a-g Math course in Middle school if listed especially when reviewing the HS courses.

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