<p>if one wants 5's on english lang and english lit...what kind of essay scores should i be looking for....is 7/9 with 70% mult. choice enough?</p>
<p>My teacher told me that if we can get 9’s on all the essays and get a 0 on the multiple score we’d still have a 5.</p>
<p>I think the essays are worth 60% of the ap. So yeah 7/9 with 70% is more than good enough.</p>
<p>^Your teacher might be mistaken, because mc’s account for 45% of AP eng lit exam and you need to get 72% (108 out of 150, according to the Collegeboard scoring worksheet) to get a 5. So if you get all 9’s on essays, you’ll only be able to get a solid 3 (82 out of 150).</p>
<p>my teacher also said that 9’s are VERY rarely given out…she doesn’t give out 9’s in class, lol, i keep getting 7/8 with her, but no 9’s :(</p>
<p>^ if u write consistently 8’s on essays and do well on MC’s, a 5 is guaranteed for you.</p>
<p>bicyclekick, that’s dumb how your teacher will never get out 9’s…that’s like a teahcer saying she’ll never get out 100% on any assignments because nothing is ever perfect.</p>
<p>^ that’s basically her opinion on these essays…she thinks a 9 is virtually impossible to get, but i find that hard to believe…what scares me is the low rate of 5’s on both of these tests, which might mean she is right about how tough the essay grading is…i got a 5 on APUSH though and i guess its structured the same as the English tests so i hope i can duplicate my success in history…oh btw, in my school, the same class teaches to both English Lit and English Language, anyone have the same thing going on in their school?</p>
<p>My Teacher is the exact same way. According to my teacher a 9 is outstanding, publishable work. So basically you are an expert in that topic and your essay was well written in every way possible. So far, to my knowledge, only 2 9’s have been given out this year to all 4 AP English classes lol.</p>
<p>I’ve been getting 7’s for most of the year and that’s above the median and so I think with 3 7’s on the essays and a decent MC I should get a 5, easily.</p>