7 digit number at the bottom of the common app

<p>a) Does anyone have an informed idea what the 7 digit number that gets
put automatically on the bottom of the common app when you print it
out is used for?</p>

<p>b) When the Adcom print out the common app will their printout be
<strong>exactly</strong> what I see on my pdf print out (including page numbers
for the uploaded documents)??</p>

<p>Is there an adcom or someone who assists with apps at a common app
recipient college on this board who can discuss this please...:)?</p>

<p>7 dig steam ID</p>

<p>Chronic, thanks :)</p>

<p>a digital stream id ...? so it is just is something that keeps track of the session......</p>

<p>do you have any insights into question b, I am particularly iinterested
in understanding if the page numbers printed at the bottom will be the same
(meaning content stays on the same page for adcom as it does for
me when I print out).....:)</p>