<p>Hey guys, I was wondering if this is a problem. </p>
<p>I printed about 6 teacher evaluations + school reports at different time periods, and also have different numbers on the bottom of my forms. </p>
<p>You know how the teacher evaluations have 2 sheets? When you print them, the serial numbers are the same for both sheets, but since I had to make duplicates of my application (mistakes), I have multiple numbers. I got some forms mixed up.. so the front page might be 05894 and the second page might be 04943. Is there a problem with this?</p>
<p>OMG! I'm curious about this too. I read somewhere, I can't quite recall, probably the common app website, that these numbers were a really big deal. But I can't imagine that they wouldn't be able to figure it out, like with your name on top and everything.... Plus, they encourage you to just photocopy the teacher recommendation forms for different schools. But then the number would be the same! Gah...</p>
<p>I called a school once for this and they said that the main thing they use to match things up is your social security number, so I wouldnt sweat it.</p>
<p>Okay.. so it doesn't matter right? I don't know anymore how I organized everything, but all I know is that for the last while I took a handful of my evaluations form different time periods and then gave them to my teachers. I didn't even notice the bottom till just now... I mean... like</p>
<p>the front page for instance might have 9434 and even a date 11/21/2007</p>
<p>and the second page - 4432 and no date</p>
<p>Its really weird, but also disturbing.. Any other ideas.. or knowledge about this?</p>
<p>I'm not worried about that. I'm wondering if this practice is even allowed? Do both sheets have to be under the same date and number is what im wondering.</p>