Ehh…I find this site rather difficult to use, could not find my past comments and the only one I’ve found has zero reply after 6 months. So, I’ve decided to use such topic in hope of getting someone to help. Please don’t get mad
So I am becoming a junior at Industrial Design this fall (college time passes sooo fast). I have been thinking to transfer all the time.
My stats are not exceptionally good in University of Illinois at Urbana and Champaign
GPA: 2.97
HS: 3.7 (unweighted)
I have not been involved in many extracurricular activities.
I’m just not so sure continuing doing arts anymore. I thought ID was gonna be really cool, but it’s turned out nothing to do with mechanics and engineering but mainly based on drawings and Photoshop… I wasnt expecting myself to be an art student 
However, I am very bad at math and physcis too…do you think i should keep on doing what I am doing or consider other programs?
thanks very much
If you are not very good at math or physics you will probably hate engineering. It is all based on math and physics. Even if you do not hate it, there are enough competitive students in math and physics that you might find it difficult to enter another engineering program at a different school.
The University of Illinois is huge, and has a ton of academic options. Have you considered changing your major within the school? You might find you have better options there and you can talk to professors about your chances more easily, as well as work with academic advisors to build a plan for you if you are unhappy in your present course.
What classes have you enjoyed the most? Is there a viable career from those courses?
Go to the college career center ASAP and find out what they have to offer as far as narrowing down what fields/careers both interest you and you are good in. Good luck!
Most students change their major before they graduate. In fact, some schools force all freshmen to be “undecided”. First, figure out what you want to major in. Then you can figure out your options (like transferring to a different college at the U of I).