<p>Hi all,</p>
<p>So I find myself in a dilemma. I was planning to do the world history test and apply early action to Yale - so imagine my consternation when I realize world history is only offered in december and june. Without studying anything(and, obviously, Canada isn't big on US history classes...), I'm getting a 700 on world history(though I'm not of that number - got raw score 63) and 600 on US(according to sparknotes). Not bad, but for the US schools I'm looking at, not nearly good enough.</p>
<p>My question is this: is it feasible to buy the review books and learn US history fast enough and well enough to take the october and, if needed, november tests? Or should I wait and do the world history test in December? Basically, I need to figure out if the benefits of applying early action outweigh the additional challenge of taking the US history test. Your thoughts would be appreciated.</p>
<p>Also, what us history books are good? I read that barrons is bad - is kaplan any good?</p>