A Canadian taking US History

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>So I find myself in a dilemma. I was planning to do the world history test and apply early action to Yale - so imagine my consternation when I realize world history is only offered in december and june. Without studying anything(and, obviously, Canada isn't big on US history classes...), I'm getting a 700 on world history(though I'm not of that number - got raw score 63) and 600 on US(according to sparknotes). Not bad, but for the US schools I'm looking at, not nearly good enough.</p>

<p>My question is this: is it feasible to buy the review books and learn US history fast enough and well enough to take the october and, if needed, november tests? Or should I wait and do the world history test in December? Basically, I need to figure out if the benefits of applying early action outweigh the additional challenge of taking the US history test. Your thoughts would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Also, what us history books are good? I read that barrons is bad - is kaplan any good?</p>

<p>If you have the financial means, study for and take the US History test. If you’re happy with your score, then apply EA and be done with it. If, however, you are really unhappy and think you can do significantly better on the World History test then just wait and apply RD. That way you don’t risk losing an EA application with a good US History score.</p>