A Cautionary Tale about Elitish Admissions (I got kicked off campus)

And he’s not replied. Could it have been a fib ??

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I think the gold standard for an institution is professionalism, not altruism. As long as their rules are clear, the usual expectation is that they stick to them. Discretion should be limited to cases of actual hardship, and this is not one.

The one part where I sympathize with the OP is being told (in effect) “There’s room, but not for you.” That’s unprofessional, because it conveys animus. That said, the university representative was probably very frustrated. Without knowing the context, there could have been a lot more going on than just one person trying to crash a tour.

They posted the exact thing in Reddit and has responded there.

Frankness is not a ToS violation.


Wonder what he said. I can’t get onto another website. I always spend way too much time here :slight_smile:

Most of their responses were severely downvoted, so hidden. I am not that invested in the story to unhide.

But it is also a new account there. So users on both sites need to decide the veracity for themselves.

I guess sarcasm/snark are only permitted when it fits the narrative. I honestly don’t care one way or another, I am all for free speech, but for all. What one considers ‘frankness’, someone else might consider rudeness/harshness. Who draws the line?

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Yeah. I’ve been called rude here. Personally I think I’m a prince :slight_smile:


Harshness is also not a ToS violation. No user should have an expectation that all responses to their posts will be filled with sunshine and rainbows. :grin::rainbow::sun_with_face:

Rudeness is a different matter. That said, no user has flagged any post on this thread for moderator review.

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I meant rude on CC. I’m Frank at times for sure.

Precisely my point. All very subjective. I’ve had (and seen) posts flagged before where there was no rudeness, yet someone felt the need to flag them.

I agree with you. I’m a big girl, I can handle it, so flagging people’s posts for "not liking’ them seems a bit childish to me. We are all adults. :wink:

To be clear on concept - flagging just brings to a mod’s attention. The mod then agrees or disagrees with the flag.

hmm… actions have consequences… go figure… I


I flag when I think the conversation is just going to descend ever downward. And, I’m usually right. :wink:


I’d think it would only ‘descend downward’ if one lacks the ability to debate in a civil/fruitful manner, and/or resort to ad hominems, which is, indeed, inexcusable. Other than that, generally, it’s due to lack of arguments. :slightly_smiling_face:


I like the downward descent. If only to remind us all of bedraisers, extra-long sheets, and the eternal appeal of a good argument over “should I take the free ride or take on 200K debt to attend Villanova” with the cheerleaders yelling “take the free ride” and the contrarians arguing “but my nephew went to Villanova and he works at Goldman Sachs so it will only take five minutes to pay off your debt”.


I am kind of anti-flagging posts. I feel pretty strongly that most of us are adults that can disagree or debate a topic in a civil way, and we should be allowed to do so.

I only flag if it’s spam.


(That last line sounds like it could be a Mad Men created jingle……):sunglasses:

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I’m guessing solely on what seems to pass under the radar, that there’s a fair amount of ad hominem attack that gets cleaned up on a regular basis.

The drama is way over the top here. How many times did they say no? They even had to hang up the phone on you? So you showed up uninvited anyway…during COVID restrictions. What did you think was going to happen?

Do you really need to lower yourself to complete desperation over one university? Have some self respect.

At no point does OP seem to understand this is a covid matter. S/he seems to understand the issue solely through the lens of elitism, ie., “you’ve not been admitted yet so you’re not worthy of our guided tour”, thus thinking that they’d kind of be taking the tour “in case” they get off the wait list since they won’t have an opportunity to do so later, sure the admitted right away are better but I’m not rejected either.
Covid precautions are not part of his/her mindset whereas that’s what most of us immediately thought of.
Regardless, OP flouting covid safety rules means s/he’s not getting off that waitlist.