A check-writing parent needs help...

<p>bebop: Thanks for coming back and sharing this. Sounds like your son is making an well-informed decision that is based on reality. It is important to do all your homework and ask the tough questions, which you’ve done. I applaud you for your honesty here and, especially, how you let the process unfold. And your posts show that it’s important for the whole family to be on the same page, considering the enormity of the decision and the cost. (Having said that, it’s not a permanent decision - if it doesn’t work out, transferring is always an option and plenty of kids do that, too.)</p>

<p>Anyway, just wanted to say “good job.” My DS is still doing his due diligence with his other top choice (just got acceptance yesterday) so not committing yet. But hopefully soon.</p>


<p>Good luck to you as well…your son has two good choices…and the fact that Miami is neck-and-neck with one of the best engineering schools in the country in Lehigh says a lot about Miami, IMO.</p>

<p>I wish your son luck as well!</p>

<p>Bebop welcome to Miami (soon!) and welcome to the U. Nothing is permanent there are always opportunities for transfers as Linymon said, but I have to feeling that once here he will enjoy the small classes and the diverse culture Miami has to offer. Good luck for all of you. Sticker is finally going up.</p>