<p>I'm a rising junior and I'm starting to think about colleges. I'm interested in journalism now (all my ECs are mostly journalism), but have the best grades in science and find those classes the most exciting. In other words, I'm bouncing between journalism and medical fields... wondering if there's a college that offers good programs in both in case I change my mind. </p>
<p>Oooh and stats as of now:
GPA: 5.6 W, 4.2 UW
Vball (play for rec), track
editor newspaper, write for local Chinese paper, school yearbook (hopefully editor next year)
science olympiad: regional award (but the team didn't make it to states.... D: )
volunteer at hospital and kid's camp</p>
<p>I'm looking for top schools (possibly Ivies and Northwestern if I have a chance... Asian in Jersey, best demographic huh?)</p>