double major?

<p>Should double major in premed and journalism
major premed and minor in journalism?</p>

<p>I want to be a medical journalist- so i would be a practicing neuropsychiatrist who writes</p>

<p>I think so. Double major if you can.</p>

<p>I believe pre-med is a program at most schools, not a major. (Correct me if I am wrong.) </p>

<p>If this is the case, look at entering the program with a biology major and journalism minor.</p>

<p>Passenger, you’re right. At most schools, it just an advising program. The most popular major for pre-meds is Biology. I think that (if you can handle the workload), the best thing to do would be to double major. That way, if you don’t get in to med school, you have a fall-back.</p>