A couple of questions

<p>Hello! I will be attending UA in the fall and couldn’t be more excited! However, my parents aren’t very interested in helping me plan or research at all. (They have a lot of other stresses going on right now). So I’m not sure how to deal with all this change by myself and have a lot of questions floating around.</p>

<p>Is it necessary to plan our schedule before BB? I’m completely overwhelmed by DegreeWorks and the course catalogs. I’m also confused as how my AP tests and Dual Enrollment courses will fit in…Do I take a lighter course load or move up to then next level? (Passed AP Eng. & Psych with 4’s last year and taking Dual Eng. this year) </p>

<p>Getting an iPad? I already have a laptop but have been discussing investing in a iPad to take notes/e-books…is this a useful tool?</p>

<p>My parents are making me switch my tags, license, bank accounts, and car insurance as soon as I get to Bama next year (currently Florida resident) and I’m already planning on getting a job. How likely would I be to receive in-state tuition after living there for a year? I’m planning on staying in Alabama after college, but likely moving to the Birmingham area.</p>

<p>Thank y’all so much in advance! Roll tide!</p>

<p>I don’t know how getting instate would work.</p>

<p>Yes, you need a plan for BB…give us more info.</p>

<li><p>Your major</p></li>
<li><p>your APs and your scores.</p></li>
<li><p>Your DE classes</p></li>

<p>You probably don’t need an iPad.</p>

<p>Okay, I am majoring in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psych. I passed AP Eng Lang with a 4 and AP Psych with a 4 last year. This year I’m taking Dual Enrollment English (3 credit hours each semester). So I’m pretty sure that counts for all of my required core English classes.</p>

<p>What DE English classes are you taking? Are they Literature classes or what? What are they called? </p>

<p>AP English Comp with a 4 will give you 6 credits of Frosh Comp I and II</p>

<p>AP Psych will give you 3 credits of Psych 101</p>

<p>To achieve a general education while pursuing a specific concentration in a chosen field of study, each undergraduate student will construct a curriculum that includes coursework in the following areas:</p>

<p>6 semester hours of written composition (FC).</p>

<p>6 semester hours in 300- and 400-level courses, preferably in the student’s major, approved for the writing (W) designation. The (W) designation indicates that one of the conditions for a passing grade is that students write coherent, logical and carefully edited prose in a minimum of two papers, at least one of which will be graded and returned before mid-semester. All (W) designated courses are taught and graded by instructors who have at least the master’s degree and preferably are limited to an enrollment of no more than 35 students. The (W) requirement must be satisfied with courses taken on this campus.</p>

<p>6 semester hours of one of the following:</p>

<p>6 semester hours in courses that are approved for the computer (C) designation. These courses either substantially integrate the application of appropriate software or require writing computer programs. Students must make extensive use of the computer as a condition for passing the course. Courses approved for the (C) designation assume that students have a working knowledge of the computer.</p>


<p>2 semesters in one foreign language (FL). A grade of “C” or better must be earned in the first-semester course of the two-semester sequence that fulfills the requirement before the student will be allowed to enroll in the second semester course. Students with two or more high-school units of a foreign language will be assigned to foreign language courses by the foreign language advisors on the basis of placement test scores. Students placed into FR 103, SP 103, or intermediate courses (FR 201, SP 201) will satisfy this requirement in one semester.
Note: These 6 hours are in addition to the requirements for humanities or mathematics.</p>

<p>12 semester hours of courses approved for the humanities and fine arts (HU, L & FA) designations, to include 3 semester hours of courses approved for the fine arts (FA) designation and 3 semester hours of courses approved for the literature (L) designation. Each student must complete a 6-semester-hour sequence in either literature or history.</p>

<p>12 semester hours of courses approved for the history and social and behavioral sciences (HI & SB) designations, to include 3 semester hours of courses approved for the history (HI) designation. Each student must complete a 6-semester-hour sequence in either literature or history.</p>

<p>11 semester hours of courses approved for the natural sciences and mathematics (N & MA) designations, to include 8 semester hours of courses approved for the natural sciences (N) designation and 3 semester hours of courses approved for the mathematics (MA) designation. This mathematics requirement must be satisfied with MATH 110 or higher.
Pre-professional, major and/or elective courses applicable to the student’s declared major program of study. Students are to consult with their major departments/program areas for specific course designations that fulfill this requirement.</p>

<p>A course may be used to satisfy only one core requirement. For example, if a course carries a designation for both foreign language (FL) and humanities (HU), it may only be used to satisfy one of these core requirements. An additional course or courses must be completed to satisfy the remaining requirement.</p>

<p>A student may satisfy some general education course requirements by demonstration of competence on a proficiency examination such as the CLEP subject examination.</p>

<p>Review of general education (core curriculum) courses is an ongoing process. New courses may be approved and added to the list of those that meet core curriculum requirements. The Core designations for existing courses may be discontinued. A course carries general education designation if the course is approved at the time the course is taken. The student must consult the general education designations as found in the appropriate section of the schedule of classes booklet to ensure that the general education designation is in effect at the time the course is taken.</p>

<p>General education credit may be earned for courses taken at another institution, provided the courses transfer as the equivalents of courses that have been approved for general education credit at The University of Alabama. The (W) requirement must be satisfied in courses taken at The University of Alabama.</p>

<p>Criminal Justice Major (BA)</p>

<p>Department of Criminal Justice, 432-C Farrah Hall
[Home</a> | Department of Criminal Justice](<a href=“http://www.as.ua.edu/cj]Home”>Criminology & Criminal Justice – College of Arts & Sciences University of Alabama)
<a href=“mailto:cj@as.ua.edu”>cj@as.ua.edu</a></p>

<p>Degree requirements. Students earning the bachelor of arts (BA) degree with a major in criminal justice must complete all University, college (see pp. 52-53), and departmental degree requirements. These include the general education requirements, the following major requirements, all requirements for an approved minor, and sufficient other credits to total a minimum of 120 applicable semester hours.</p>

<p>Admission into the major. Acceptance into the criminal justice major requires the completion of at least 12 semester hours with a 2.25 higher education GPA. Students are expected to declare a major formally no later than the fourth semester of full-time enrollment (or at 61 semester hours for transfer students). With the assistance of an advisor in the major department, students should complete the “Declaration of Major” form.</p>

<p>Grade point average. A 2.0 grade point average in the major is required for completion of the degree. The major GPA is calculated based on all courses applicable to the major that the student has attempted at UA.</p>

<p>Major courses. The major in criminal justice requires the successful completion (grades of C- or higher) of the following 36 semester hours:</p>

<p>Courses Hours
CJ 100 3
CJ 300 3
CJ 303 3
CJ 306 3
CJ 380 3
CJ 381 3
CJ 395 6
CJ electives (excluding CJ 395 and CJ 499) 12
Total 36
Upper-level residency. A minimum of 12 hours of 300- and 400-level courses in the major must be earned on this campus.</p>

<p>Ancillary courses. This major does not require ancillary courses.</p>

<p>Required minor. This major requires the completion of a minor.</p>

<p>Additional major requirements. A grade of “C-” or higher is required in all criminal justice courses. Students are responsible for ensuring that they have met all University, college, major, and minor requirements. However, each student must meet with an advisor in the major department for academic planning and to be cleared for registration each semester. College advisors are also available for additional assistance with minor, college, and University requirements.</p>

<p>Department of Psychology, 348 Gordon Palmer Hall
<a href=“http://www.as.ua.edu/psychology[/url]”>www.as.ua.edu/psychology</a>
<a href=“mailto:psychology@as.ua.edu”>psychology@as.ua.edu</a></p>

<p>Admission into the minor. Students are expected to declare a minor formally. With the assistance of an advisor in the minor department, students should complete the “Declaration of Minor” form before or during the third year of full-time enrollment.</p>

<p>Grade point average. A 2.0 grade point average in the minor is required for completion of the degree. The minor GPA is calculated based on all courses applicable to the minor that the student has attempted at UA.</p>

<p>Minor courses. The minor in psychology requires the successful completion of the following 18 semester hours:</p>

<p>Courses Hours
PY 101 3
PY elective 300 or 400 level 6
PY electives 9
Total 18
Upper-level residency. A minimum of 6 hours of 300- and 400-level courses in the minor must be earned on this campus.</p>

<p>Ancillary courses. This minor does not require ancillary courses.</p>

<p>Additional minor requirements. Students are responsible for ensuring that they have met all University, college, major, and minor requirements. However, each student must meet with an advisor in the major department for academic planning and to be cleared for registration each semester. College advisors are also available for additional assistance with minor, college, and University requirements.</p>

<p>Thank you mom2collegekids! It is just called ENC 1101 and ENC 1102…I take the classes at my high school.</p>

<p>I’m concerned that those classes are the same as Frosh Comp I and Frosh Comp II…which you already have AP credits for.</p>

<p>Is there a way to find out what the associated college is calling those classes? What college is giving the credit?</p>

<p>I’m not sure. But kids that do both AP englishs and get 4s can get comp I II and 6 hours of elective english credit. You may be able to make some kinda deal like that with bama</p>

<p>So, for your first semester, it looks like you need to take…</p>

<p>CJ 101 - 3 credits
PY XXX - 3 credits from psych electives
maybe a 3 credit course to fill the Fine Arts req’t
maybe a 3 credit literature course IF the DE credits aren’t counted as LIT
maybe a MA class to fulfil your math req’t. (what math have you taken so far?)</p>

<p>Tutu…it’s 3 hours of elective Lit credit. But, if these are Frosh Comp classes, I don’t see her getting those 3 credits.</p>

<p>I just went back and saw it was AP comp not Lit. I was thinking thats where the elective credit would come from.</p>

<p>Even in my high school’s course catalog it is only labeled as “Dual Enrollment English I and II” so I think you could be right about it being the same credits. My only choices were regular Eng. or DE because I couldn’t work my schedule around AP Eng. So I will probably need another LIT course, MA 110, and do I need to pick a science/history?</p>

<p>Yes, ENC1101 and 1102 will count for Fresh Comp I and II. One thing that simplified our speculations and projections, was to go ahead and get a transcript sent from our local college (this included dual enrollment classes) through Dec. 2011 as well as all previously taken AP scores sent to UA (through College Board, $15). Then you can see exactly what you have already on Degree Works. This may be especially helpful, if you have Bama Bound before your end of the year transcripts are released and with new AP scores not arriving until July. You will know how everything fits in, with the exception of your final SR. Year semester. Best wishes!</p>

<p>So I will probably need another LIT course, MA 110, and do I need to pick a science/history?</p>

<p>You’ll need a LIT class and you’re going to need a 6 credit Sequence in either History or Lit…your choice. </p>

<p>What about a foreign language? What interests you?</p>

<p>I would think a CJ major might prefer history sequence, but maybe not.</p>

<p>The following may help you. We used this before DegreeWorks was put in place…</p>

<p>Print it out and write in what you’re taking or have taken.</p>

<p>To achieve a general education while pursuing a specific concentration in a chosen field of study, each undergraduate student will construct a curriculum that includes coursework in the following areas:</p>

<p>6 semester hours of written composition (FC).</p>

<p>________________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8</p>

<p>________________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8*</p>

<p>6 semester hours in 300- and 400-level courses, preferably in the student’s major, approved for the writing (W) designation. The (W) designation indicates that one of the conditions for a passing grade is that students write coherent, logical and carefully edited prose in a minimum of two papers, at least one of which will be graded and returned before mid-semester. All (W) designated courses are taught and graded by instructors who have at least the master’s degree and preferably are limited to an enrollment of no more than 35 students. The (W) requirement must be satisfied with courses taken on this campus.</p>

<p>________________ ____prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8</p>

<p>________________ ____prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8</p>

<p>________________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 </p>

<p>6 semester hours of one of the following:</p>

<p>6 semester hours in courses that are approved for the computer (C) designation. These courses either substantially integrate the application of appropriate software or require writing computer programs. Students must make extensive use of the computer as a condition for passing the course. Courses approved for the (C) designation assume that students have a working knowledge of the computer.</p>


<p>2 semesters in one foreign language (FL). A grade of “C” or better must be earned in the first-semester course of the two-semester sequence that fulfills the requirement before the student will be allowed to enroll in the second semester course. Students with two or more high-school units of a foreign language will be assigned to foreign language courses by the foreign language advisors on the basis of placement test scores. Students placed into FR 103, SP 103, or intermediate courses (FR 201, SP 201) will satisfy this requirement in one semester.</p>

<p>Note: These 6 hours are in addition to the requirements for humanities or mathematics.</p>

<p>FL or C …minimum 6 credit hours of one type.</p>

<p>________________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 </p>

<p>________________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8</p>

<p>12 semester hours of courses approved for the humanities and fine arts (HU, L & FA) designations, to include 3 semester hours of courses approved for the fine arts (FA) designation and 3 semester hours of courses approved for the literature (L) designation. Each student must complete a 6-semester-hour sequence in either literature or history.</p>

<p>(L)_____________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 </p>

<p>(FA)____________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8</p>

<p>________________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 </p>

<p>________________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8</p>

<p>12 semester hours of courses approved for the history and social and behavioral sciences (HI & SB) designations, to include 3 semester hours of courses approved for the history (HI) designation. Each student must complete a 6-semester-hour sequence in either literature or history.</p>

<p>(HI)____________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 </p>

<p>________________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8</p>

<p>________________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 </p>

<p>________________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8</p>

<p>6 semester credit hours Sequence Requirement in either Literature or History (from above two sections - not additional)</p>



<p>11 semester hours of courses approved for the natural sciences and mathematics (N & MA) designations, to include 8 semester hours of courses approved for the natural sciences (N) designation and 3 semester hours of courses approved for the mathematics (MA) designation. This mathematics requirement must be satisfied with MATH 110 or higher.</p>

<p>(MA)____________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 </p>

<p>(N)_____________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8</p>

<p>(N)_____________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 </p>

<p>________________ ____ prior credits or semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8</p>

<p>Pre-professional, major and/or elective courses applicable to the student’s declared major program of study. Students are to consult with their major departments/program areas for specific course designations that fulfill this requirement.</p>

<p>A course may be used to satisfy only one core requirement. For example, if a course carries a designation for both foreign language (FL) and humanities (HU), it may only be used to satisfy one of these core requirements. An additional course or courses must be completed to satisfy the remaining requirement.</p>

<p>A student may satisfy some general education course requirements by demonstration of competence on a proficiency examination such as the CLEP subject examination.</p>

<p>Review of general education (core curriculum) courses is an ongoing process. New courses may be approved and added to the list of those that meet core curriculum requirements. The Core designations for existing courses may be discontinued. A course carries general education designation if the course is approved at the time the course is taken. The student must consult the general education designations as found in the appropriate section of the schedule of classes booklet to ensure that the general education designation is in effect at the time the course is taken.</p>

<p>General education credit may be earned for courses taken at another institution, provided the courses transfer as the equivalents of courses that have been approved for general education credit at The University of Alabama. The (W) requirement must be satisfied in courses taken at The University of Alabama.</p>

<p>If you are attending school full time, you will not be eligible for in-state tuition. [Residency</a> | The Office of the University Registrar - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://registrar.ua.edu/policies/residency/]Residency”>Residency for Tuition Purposes – The Office of the University Registrar – The University of Alabama | The University of Alabama). If you earned enough money over the summer in Florida to be charged income tax, it might be cheaper to keep Florida residency as it does not have a state income tax. You may also save money buy not having to get new licenses and registrations. In addition, if you want to take summer courses and don’t have a place to stay in Alabama, you would still be eligible for the resident tuition rate in Florida.</p>

<p>To see how your course will transfer, you can look up the college granting the credit on UA’s course equivalency system <a href=“https://ssb.ua.edu/pls/PROD/rtstreq.P_Searchtype[/url]”>https://ssb.ua.edu/pls/PROD/rtstreq.P_Searchtype&lt;/a&gt;. Remember that you will need to send a transcript from the college granting the credit to UA. </p>

<p>In terms of using DegreeWorks, it might be easier first to print out m2ck’s posts or look on the online catalog [Academic</a> Catalogs - The University of Alabama](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>http://catalogs.ua.edu/). Note that the 2012-2013 catalog is not yet available. DegreeWorks will become more useful for you in later semesters, though it does have some good features to see which classes count towards which requirements.</p>

<p>Best of luck and Roll Tide!</p>