A high school senior leaning toward bama got a few questions!

<p>Hello! Woah, I haven’t been here forever.
Previously I asked for advices on Presidential scholarships and Honors Programs here and both turned out to be successes.</p>

<p>Now I have some questions regarding moving into Bama and stuff I should worry about before going.</p>

<p>First question, about Bama-Bound orientation. It seems like none of the orientations have been filled up yet; however, I will be going out of country around May 15th, therefore I will not be able to make any Honors students orientations.
I’m thinking of August 17th one, since the semester will start in a few days anyway.
Are there any disadvantages going to a later orientation though? I feel like I heard you decide your classes while at an orientation. If I go to one in August 17th (the last), would there be a chance I won’t be able to get a class I want?
Is there any disadvantage going to later orientations at all?</p>

<p>Second question, I just received my presidential scholarship recently. I was expecting some departmental scholarships along with it though, there was none. I should have declared my major as Engineering so I would qualify for $2500 scholarship, but I think it’s too late. My department is Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration. Do they usually not give out too many scholarships or has it simply not arrived yet? It would be nice if I get a few grands so I can use it to help paying for my Room and Board.</p>

<p>Speaking of Room and Board, my third questions is regarding just that. I’d really love to personally visit Bama Campus and decide which dorm to live in. However, the distance makes it not likely to happen. I think I will resort to one of honors dorms, since I will lose privilege to apply for it in sophomore year unless I stay there in my freshman year. Just opening up choices. Which dorm would be good though? </p>

<p>To explain my personality briefly, I get along well with many different kinds of people. I’m pretty laid back and not opposed to the idea of partying. I don’t drink too much and am not crazy about partying though. I most likely won’t go frat, and am looking to have some intellectually stimulating discussions once in awhile. If you are trying to find me in the popular spectrum of Geeks to Jocks, I will be somewhere in between. I do play many sports, but I also take many AP classes and participate in different groups.
Considering they are honors dorms, I should be content that I will have what I’m looking for, but the testaments of experiences from my older friends who are in different state flagship schools say otherwise.
So, which dorm is most likely to have “smart kids who are laid back and not opposed to the idea of having fun?” </p>

<p>Gosh, this turned out to be so long.
Thank you for reading so much and thank you in prior for your advices!</p>

<p>My understanding is that they open up additional spots in many freshman classes for each Bama Bound, so you’re unlikely to be shut out of all your classes just because you do a later one. Those who go to the earlier Bama Bounds have the ability to play with their schedules over the summer as new spots open (or at least they have in past years).</p>

<p>From what I’ve heard, most departments don’t award their departmental scholarships to students who’ve already received large university scholarships such as the Presidential. My D is also in CBA, and she didn’t receive any departmental scholarships on top of her Presidential.</p>

<p>I haven’t gotten the sense that any honors dorm has a much large concentration of partiers, Greeks, jocks, etc. than any other honors dorm. I have no personal experience, though.</p>

<p>Hi. Welcome.</p>

<p>You may not end up with the perfect schedule if you go to the last BB, but you’ll get something that works. Everyone should go to BB with a few options in mind.</p>

<p>Usually, only engineering gives merit scholarships to students who have the Presidential. </p>

<p>Other depts usually give their scholarships to students who didn’t get much/anything from the university. </p>

<p>any of the honors dorms are going to have some smart kids who aren’t opposed to having a good time.</p>

<p>Have you paid your housing deposit? If so, when is your sign up time.</p>

<p>Explanations for departmental scholarship are understandable, though bit disappointing.
Again, should have declared for engineering, darn it. </p>

<p>If it’s hard to define people in a particular housing in the dorm, then just a plain advice on which dorm you like the most would suffice too. ATM, I really don’t know which of the honors dorms I would choose, I might draw a lot.</p>

<p>Mom// I have no idea because I’ve just put my deposit in today. I was actually going to wait till even tomorrow. I don’t know where to check, or do I think I’m high up on the early list. </p>

<p>hmm… no departmental scholarship hurts…</p>

<p>Oh, and about the last BB.
What exactly is the disadvantage? Will I not be able to get into some classes I really want to take?
Or is the schedule not going to work out perfectly e.g. no no-class-friday? </p>

<p>Do you strongly recommend I stay in the states till the first bama bound and go to that one?
Is it really disadvantageous?</p>

<p>a few orientation sessions have been filled</p>

<p>the first one (25th) and second one (29-30th)?</p>

<p>If you want to do engineering, change your major on mybama. The award may still happen. Do you want to do eng’g?</p>

<p>Going to a later BB may mean a less than perfect schedule, but that’s not a big deal. Even those who go to an earlier BB may not get a perfect schedule. It’s just for one semester, no biggie.</p>

<p>Really, any honors dorm is going to be fine. If you change your major to eng’g, then Riverside West may be closer to classes.</p>

<p>You do realize that if you declare eng’g and get the scholarship, then you have to do eng’g to get it, right?</p>