<p>Okay, so I’m transferring. I know I’m leaving my current school after this semester, and I’ve been accepted to my first choice transfer school. It’s not HYP, but I’m pleased with where I’m going (it’s a big step up from my current school). I have a couple of questions.</p>
<li>My current school is on a three credit system, and my new school operates on a 4 credit system. am I going to have to overload on courses or take a ton of summer classes to catch up?</li>
<li>I want to take summer classes either online through the school or at the campus, but I’m slated to start classes in the Fall. I don’t mind taking classes during the summer so I feel like I’m “caught up” with the other students in my class (I’m going to be a sophomore next yr), but has anyone enrolled earlier then expected?</li>
<li>How much luck have you all had with your classes from your old school transferring? I’m hoping I don’t get screwed, so I tried to take classes that were pretty much the same at any college, like Intro. to Sociology.</li>
<p>Aww man... sorry that website is not helpful to you... hmm, I bet there will be others who can give you great information later... just wait a bit!</p>
<p>In my son's case, where he was a visiting student at Bates and transferring his classes into Tulane, it didn't matter to Tulane what the host school's credit system was. Rather, they "articulated" each transfer course into Tulane by finding the equivalent course at Tulane and granting that number of credits. Most transferred equal (ie, 4 credits = 4 credits). But one Poli Sci course which would have been 4 credits at Bates (side note: Bates actually uses a 1unit=1course system, not credits, but they advise that their courses are usually worth 4 credits) earned 3 credits at Tulane.</p>
<p>So... I suggest you just call/email the registrar at your new school or the Dean or department head and ask.</p>