<p>my typical day as freshman at yale</p>
<p>first of all, not a typical day for most people - i do very few ECs this semester</p>
1. wake up at 8:30, skip breakfast, get to class by 9:30...classes, lunch
2. classtime varies, definitely out by 2 (unless its lab day)
3. until 5: go home, take nap, talk online, maybe go to gym, waste huge amounts of time
4. 5-8: visit with friends, go to dinner, play pool, waste more time
5. 9ish - start hwk...but end up talking to suitemates or watching TV
6. 11 - realize i still have a ****load of hw to do but put it off until the next day or the weekend (or stay up late if its urgent)
7. sleep</p>
1. wake up around 1-2 w hangover...stay in bed for 1 hr
2. crawl out of bed and drag myself to brunch
3. waste a lot of time shopping, hanging out, on the phone, etc.
4. ECs...nap
5. 6-7 dinner, shower, getting ready to go out
6. 9 - whenever: party, club, or out w/ friends, or watching movie in dorm...etc. different every weekend (if sunday, do all the work from the weekend until 2-3 AM)
7. get to bed around 3-4...or whenever...</p>
<p>thats most of my week, but there are certain events that interrupt the flow of things...every once in a while, i actually get some work done...of course, its different for every person - some ppl here party every night, others never leave their rooms...for some it requires more effort to do well - my roommate never goes to class and i hardly ever see her doing work, yet she gets almost all As...a lot of ppl have a million ECs or sports so im more the exception than the rule, but im taking a lot of classes this semester, so i decided to take it easy on the ECs for now...hope that was helpful...remember, thers no such thing as a "typical day" here bc everybodys so different...</p>