A Day at _____ college

<p>my typical day as freshman at yale</p>

<p>first of all, not a typical day for most people - i do very few ECs this semester</p>

1. wake up at 8:30, skip breakfast, get to class by 9:30...classes, lunch
2. classtime varies, definitely out by 2 (unless its lab day)
3. until 5: go home, take nap, talk online, maybe go to gym, waste huge amounts of time
4. 5-8: visit with friends, go to dinner, play pool, waste more time
5. 9ish - start hwk...but end up talking to suitemates or watching TV
6. 11 - realize i still have a ****load of hw to do but put it off until the next day or the weekend (or stay up late if its urgent)
7. sleep</p>

1. wake up around 1-2 w hangover...stay in bed for 1 hr
2. crawl out of bed and drag myself to brunch
3. waste a lot of time shopping, hanging out, on the phone, etc.
4. ECs...nap
5. 6-7 dinner, shower, getting ready to go out
6. 9 - whenever: party, club, or out w/ friends, or watching movie in dorm...etc. different every weekend (if sunday, do all the work from the weekend until 2-3 AM)
7. get to bed around 3-4...or whenever...</p>

<p>thats most of my week, but there are certain events that interrupt the flow of things...every once in a while, i actually get some work done...of course, its different for every person - some ppl here party every night, others never leave their rooms...for some it requires more effort to do well - my roommate never goes to class and i hardly ever see her doing work, yet she gets almost all As...a lot of ppl have a million ECs or sports so im more the exception than the rule, but im taking a lot of classes this semester, so i decided to take it easy on the ECs for now...hope that was helpful...remember, thers no such thing as a "typical day" here bc everybodys so different...</p>

9 am get up, get dressed, grab some cereals for breakfast, chat with people at home (in thailand--12 hours time different)
(if procastinated the night before, maybe wake up at 10.30 or wake up earlier to finish some work.)
11 am orgo class
12 pm calc II class
1 pm lunch
2 pm psychology class
3.30 intro bioengineering class
5 pm done with classes --> gym & shower
7 pm dinner
after dinner, wasting time and doing work
2 - 3 am bed time</p>

9 am get up, get dressed, grab some cereals for breakfast, chat with people at home
10.30 cell biology class
12.00 lunch time
1.30 pm intro bioengineering class
4.00 molecular biology lab
7.00 done with classes --> dinner
after dinner -->homework
10.30 pm gym & shower and then continue working
2-3 am bed time</p>

9.00 get up and etc
11.00 orgo
12.00 cal II
1.00 lunch time
2.00 orgo recitation (more likely go to work until 7)
then gym and dinner and homework
midnight bedtime</p>

8.00 get up and quickly get prepared
8.30 calc recitation
9.30 breakfast
10.30 cell bio
12.00 lunch
1.30 bioengineering
3.00 go to work
7.00 dinner
10.30 gym and shower
2 - 3 pm bed time</p>

9 get up and get prepared
11.00 orgo
12.00 calc class
1.00 lunch
2.00 psychology
3.30 work
then gym and dinner, maybe some fun with friends and homework</p>

<p>that's it for my first semester freshman year, drowning</p>

<p>I'm a pretty weird kid, so I definitely wouldn't call my day a typical day... but I'll give it a try. I'm a freshman at Wesleyan University.</p>

Intro Chem 0900-0950 (Big lecture, almost 100 students)
Multivariable Calc 1000-1050 (about 25 students)
Quick nap/procrastination before lunch at around 1130/noon. I can choose to eat at a big social all-you-can-eat dining hall, a more intimate choose-a-meal-and-sit-down lunch, or a delicious meal at an "eating club" with a real chef.
Language (linguistics) 1310-1430
On Mondays, tutor a kid from town in math 1500-1600
Often attend a lecture at 1415, about once a week.
Do some homework. Wednesdays, gather in the lounge at our crazy plasma screen TV to watch America's Next Top Model... because one of last year's graduates was on the show until last night. Procrastinate, go online, but mostly just hang around with people. Lots of chilling time. Random things ie. baking, running around in ninja costume.</p>

No classes Tuesday except a chem TA session in the late afternoon.
This leaves time for laundry, finishing up the chem problem set, and catching up on reading... and a leisurely lunch.</p>

Thursday, Intro Psychology (seminar with 19 students) 1310-1600.
Rush through dinner so I can get to my 1800-1900 Amnesty International meeting. The subcommittee for anti-death penalty group meets on Sundays at 1700. We recently attended a rally at the state capitol, and we will meet with a group of state senators following Thanksgiving break to discuss strategies for abolition of the death penalty in our state.</p>

Chem and Calc, 0900-1050. Lunching and relaxation and often a walk a few blocks into town for random thing needed for the week (ie. Harry Potter midnight showing tickets).
Shabbat (Jewish) services and dinner. Really nice community atmosphere, and anyone is welcome to (and does!) join in, Jewish or not. Crazy dance party or a bunch of people cuddling in a room and watching a movie on someone's laptop follows.</p>

<p>Saturday, sleep late, go to brunch in the main dining hall. Do homework. Another crazy evening.</p>

<p>Sunday, sleep late, go to brunch. Go to various club meetings 1500-1900, then eat dinner, then procrastinate by watching the sadly-deteriorated West Wing or Desperate Housewives. Stay up really late at night doing the work you should have been doing all weekend... but haven't.</p>

<p>There really is so much time spent hanging around in the hallways, talking to people, enjoying the amazingness of college life and being social. It owns.</p>

<p>I go to Northwestern University. I usually sleep from 12 pm to about 8 am, I have class from 9 am to 3:30 on mondays, wednesdays, fridays with a gap for lunch and to study, tuesdays and thursdays class from 9 to 10, work in the lab from 10:30 to 2, and bio or orgo class lab from 2 to 5 or 2 to 6. After that on the different days I eat and study for about 6 hours on average. To keep up a 4.0 in both bio and orgo you pretty much have to here. I volunteer friday afternoons, and other days, it depends. I go out on average two nights a week. Mondays and Thursdays lots of kids hit up the bars, and friday or saturday night is off-campus or frat parties. Which nights you go out depends on what you have to do and when during the week. Im probably joining a frat next quarter which will kill alot of my time so i'll have even less. I dont really like to procrastinate, I have alot of friends who I'll talk to for a few minutes when I see them, or at meals, or while partying, if i'm not partying or doing class/activites, im studying.</p>

<p>I go to a community college in NJ. I can’t say I’m very happy there at the moment. I’m counting the days until graduation.</p>

<p>Tuesday/ Thursday</p>

<p>9:00-10:00- Get up, drive to school, spend fifteen minutes looking for a parking spot, arrive five minutes late
10:00- 11:15- Contemporary Social Issues- or, listening to the stupid people try to wrap their brains around the work of Max Weber
11:15- 12:45- Honors World Literature- or, listening to the pretentious people try to out pretentious each other
1- 2:15- Advanced Statistics- or, one million times more enjoyable than World Lit, which I should enjoy because English is my major</p>

<p>Monday/ Wednesday</p>

<p>9:00-10:00- Get up, drive to school, spend fifteen minutes looking for a parking spot, arrive five minutes late
10:00- 11:15- Latin American History- have a fun time discussing reasons for lateness with professor, enjoy class
11:30- 12:45- Child Psychology- watch classmates have epiphanies about what screwed them up- it’s fun!
12:45- 2:30- lunch, sit in the student center and watch the fire in the fireplace, sit in the library and read a magazine- generally avoid any and all socialization, because I truly dislike every person in this school
2:30- 3:45- Intro to Journalism, or my very favorite class
400:- 4:30- newspaper meeting</p>

<p>And as I leave I say “15 days left in the semester,” and so on. It’s never good when you have a countdown… </p>

<p>After classes, I generally wind up reading for my world Lit class until midnight and then trying to do the ridiculous amount of work assigned by megalomaniacal health teacher (an online class). Two credits and three 8-page papers do not mesh. </p>


<p>What is this “partying” of which so many speak? I usually spend my down time researching the Book of Margery Kempe for World Lit and making up fitness statistics for my health class (like I'm really going to go on a 3-mile run in 20 degree temperatures). And then I get my nails done as a reward for my creativity. </p>

<p>And this is why I am graduating in three semesters! (with a 4.0 GPA)</p>

<p>University of Arizona</p>

<p>Average weekday:</p>

<p>7:00-Wake up, shower, dress, etc. Leave by 7:40
12:00-12:50-Grab some food, head back to room to check email, organize myself, etc.
1:00-2:00-More math
2:00-3:15-History and literature course
3:15-5:50-Attempt to get homework done, take very short nap, internet, try to eliminate any task that has been hanging over my head, etc.
6:00-7:15-Philosophy course
7:15-2:00am-eat dinner (a rare occasion), do homework, call home, do more homework, study, have a breakdown or panic when realizing how much more hw, eventually finish hw, bed.</p>


<p>so many people eat breakfast lol</p>

<p>thursday at wash u:</p>

<p>9-9:45: wake up, check email, get dressed, drive to school
9:45: meet a friend at our library cafe for breakfast
10-1: english lit, polisci, psych classes
1-2: go to the loop for mexican food with my boyfriend for lunch!
2-6: go to the gym, maybe shopping, take a nap, etc.
6-8: happy hour!!
8-9: watch the oc with sorority sisters
9-11:go to a sorority mixer
11-1:go to blue hill - the bar everyone goes to on the loop
1-3: to to pinup bowl- the bar everyone goes to when blue hill closes
3:grab a cab home</p>

<p>Tomorrow (LaRoche College)</p>

<p>7:45-Arrive on campus
9:30-Come home
9:45-Tune up the lawn mower
10:00-Mow the lawn
11:00-Finish the tool cabinet I am building (mostly just finishing the paint job)
1:00-Practice my trombone
1:45-Arrive on campus again
2:00-Psychology class
3:30-Go back home
3:45-Upgrade software on older computer
4:15-Assemble tool cabinet, make template for key rack
4:45-Work on public speaking assignment
5:45-Leave for trombone gig downtown
6:30-Arrive to warm up for two concerts
7:00-Concerts start
10:00-Estimated time to start home
10:45-Play around on the computer
1:15-Get to sleep</p>

<p>Wednesday (they are interesting because of how classes on W's are scheduled)</p>

<p>7:45-Arrive on campus
8:00-Public speaking class
11:00-Lunch with former coworkers
2:00-Work on keyring holder and wooden Santa Claus
8:00-Choir at church</p>

<p>As you can see, I have an interesting schedule...next semester it's set up so I have back to backs most mornings and free afternoons. Wednesday classes are always 3 hours at my school.</p>

<p>Ahh.. Keep this going people!</p>