<p>First, I'm applying to Oregon in early notification no binding. What are the pros and cons? Also, if a deadline says Nov.1, can we submit it Nov 1st or does it have toi be halloween before the 1st. Lastly, Oregon is asking me for all my scores on the SATs, are they going to look at all of them because my first score was a 1260/2400, second a 1530/2400 and 3rd was a 1760/2400.</p>
<p>Non-bonding early notification; obviously the pros are that you find out early about your decision, but you also have less time to complete your app.</p>
<p>Deadlines are generally "postmarked by" dates; in other words, you can send it on Nov 1. But you really should not wait until the last minute to send something; always send it earlier.</p>
<p>About your SAT scores, all of your scores are sent with an SAT score report; most schools only consider your highest sitting or highest composite score (highest from each section), but honestly I'm not sure how Oregon views it. I'm sure they just look at your highest.</p>