A&M Engineering Review

Rejected from CoE - 31 ACT, 4.0GPA unweighted, 8 APs w/ the rest Honors, top 1-5% (estimate - school does not rank), OOS.

Honestly, I think the TAMU major admission system is totally messed up. They rejected extremely qualified applicants (e.g. from this thread - the stats here are wow) in favor of admitting people on a first-come-first-serve basis. It’s really their loss, though - they’re missing the opportunity for top-quality students who will just be as or even more successful at another school.

TAMU was one of my top choices, but I’m glad I didn’t commit myself 100% to it. There are so many other great schools out there that excel in CS, so I’m not worried. TAMU, it’s been a nice ride.

*copied from an earlier post
“SAT I (by section): CR: 730 M: 800 W: 690 Composite: 2220
SAT II (by test): Literature (770), Math 2 (800), Physics (800)
ACT: English: 35 Math: 35 Reading: 35 Science: 35 Composite: 35 - writing: 11
GPA: 4.00 UW, 4.2 W
Rank: 1/63
Basically, good test scores, decent ECs, and frankly, some terrible essays. I put off my application until the last minute so I ended up writing all 3 essays the night it was due.”

To everyone who got rejected, I don’t believe that my 35 is any better than your 30+ scores or at least it shouldn’t have merited a difference between a rejected and acceptance. I am certain that many other opportunities are available to students of your caliber, and you shouldn’t get down because of a messed up admissions system. Best of wishes to the rest of you and like @TheCheese said, there are tons of other fantastic schools to choose from.

TAMU is obviously going through changes in their engineering admission policy. Students are admitted only to general engineering now, instead of directly into their individual discipline and the last 15% of open slots, after rolling admissions, are now reviewed. I have a son who got in under the old policy, but a daughter who will have to deal with the new (and in flux) policy. When my son was admitted, he did talk of kids who were qualified, and denied, but the reason given was that that department was full, as they applied later in the season. Now, with the 15% review, it’s obvious how many kids with great stats are denied. TAMU may eventually operate the way the University of Texas does, in that students will be reviewed for ALL engineering slots. We’ll see…

I am sorry to hear of everyone who did not get in. I know they do favor the people who applied early because of their ambition. The departments are really just too full. I’m sitting in an engineering class right now we’re there are more people than seats in the classroom. They are trying their best to accommodate everyone but until students graduate or switch majors and or they build more classrooms, there is not much else they can do. It is a very popular engineering school with high standards.

I was wondering if anyone could elucidate something for me. I just received my admissions decisions today and was rather dismayed to see that i was in the engineering review program. I was wondering if anyone had any clue as to what that may hold for me, especially considering that the intended time that those decisions would be sent out was mid January and i am just now receiving my decision in February. If it helps any i applied back on September 30 (im rather surprised it took this long to come to an apply/deny decision on my application)

I am a Pakistani national.
I didnt get admission into engineering at TAMU but did get it in General University. I am pleased to get admission into TAMU itself but ofcourse my main aim in life is to become a petroleum engineer

I have a score of 2070 in my SATs:
CR: 720
VR: 650
MATH: 700

SAT 2:
Math: 800

4/4 subjects A’s in AS-level
5 A*'s and 5 A’s/10 subjects in IGCSE(O-level equivalent)

My extra-cirriculars are as follows:
Head Boy
Member of Yearbook Society for 5 years
Head Organizer for city level school sporting event
Head of Media And Publications team for city level school drama event
Member of Media and Publications Team for 2 years in such events
Member of Urdu Drama Society for 3 years always get a role whenever drama
2 week internship at Center for Advanced Research in Engineering
2 week internship at local NGO
2 week WWF eco-internship
Participated in 1 school-level and 2 university-level MUNs
Participated in 1 Math Competition in the 10th grade
Part of reserve basketball team throughout highschool

My essays weren’t amazing but I don’t think they were very bad…

Could anyone tell me where I should improve to get admission as my aim is to study abroad and I would love to do whatever possible to do so.

I think Blinn is the best way to go if engineering is what you really want. Its better than going the physics route and trying to transfer in. @EngHS

Moral of the story:
Apply to TAMU Engineering AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
All of you would have been admitted had you not delayed your applications, especially the valedictorians.
(Myself, I applied early in October and got into the CoE three weeks later). Stats - 33 ACT, top 7% of my class, petroleum preference.

In other words, if you’re a prospective engineering applicant, DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED BY THE STORIES YOU’RE READING ON THIS THREAD. You’ll get in - just submit that app early.

Yes, what Fredjan said – we heard at two admissions presentations that the COE typically fills by mid-September (it seemed more like early November this year from posts on here, but still…). The earlier the application, the better the chances for auto-admit applicants. That 15% review process cannot possibly accommodate all of the outstanding applicants who applied later in the fall or close to the 12/1 deadline.

Anyone from the Class of 2016 reading this, definitely apply early. With rolling admissions and the top 10% rule, those early applicants not only get in, but they find out early. My son received his acceptance into the COE within 3 days of applying within the first couple weeks of the school year. Qualified friends who applied a month later waited weeks for their acceptance. Those who applied even later, and OOS students, waited a very long time and many were denied COE. Apply early!!!

Hey guys, I had applied to College of Engineering with mechanical engineering as my first major and computer science my second. But today, when I saw my portal, under the major section as the bottom, it display’s as:
College: Undeclared College
Major: Engineering Review
Degree: BAC
College: Engineering
Major: Computer Science
Degree: BS
Could someone please explain what this means?
Thank You.