A nervous senior. Help please!

<p>Hey guys! I live in NC and am thinking about applying to University of Arizona! It will be a big adjustment but worth.I it. I wanted to ask, is there any racism on campus and how are black boys and girls treated by peers on the university there? Thanks!</p>

<p>Hey, It’s a very diverse campus and college. My DS11 is a Junior and loves it my DS14 applied and will likely attend, I cannot think of an occasion where racism has ever been an issue. My son is in Greek Life with one of the top frats and several boys are hispanic, aa, and there is never an issue, if it doesn’t really occur in a fraternity, I think its a non-issue. You have no worries on that front, every student is equal.</p>

<p>I am a student here - racism is not an issue. Tucson is a VERY diverse city and UA has so many people from different backgrounds and races. This school is amazing, everyone here is happy, and I hope you decide to become a wildcat!</p>