A New "Clicker", old one being dropped

<p>My son and I were in the Supe store today before the Camp 1831 check-in. He was picking up a couple of books he was not able to find online and we were helped by a nice young lady who worked there…She explained the whole math book & code vs code only.</p>

<p>She also told my son to not buy the current “clicker” (Response Pad Xr Xrc-01) and to wait and get the Nxt Clicker. She said after next semester the university is dropping support for the old one and if you still need a clicker you will have to buy the new one. </p>

<p>So before you snap up a Xrc-01 you might want to have another look.</p>

<p>Don’t know if all that is true, but if you need one for this semester, you’ll have to get one…even if it will be extinct next semester. You can’t tell a prof, “I didn’t buy it because it won’t work NEXT semester.”</p>

<p>They will have the new nxt clickers this semester. They are supposed to be in stock on Monday.</p>

<p>To avoid confusion the Nxt clicker is available this semester. It is supposed to be back in stock on Monday. The advice we were given is that since my son was a freshman he should wait until next week and buy the nxt clicker that way it will be good for more than two semesters.</p>

<p>Ah…then, yes, wait til next week to buy. </p>

<p>I thought you meant that the new ones would be sold next semester. lol</p>

<p>I’m somewhat confused. Do the old clickers still work for Fall 2013, or do students need new ones now? If you’re being advised to buy a new clickers now (as a new student), that suggests to me that both new/old will work for Fall 2013, but only new for Spring 2014? If you know for sure, please clarify.</p>

<p>Also, what specific upper-division classes require a clicker in the eng’g fields (or any field for that matter)?</p>

<p>We were told that since D is a freshman it would be worth waiting to get the new clicker because she would be using it all 4 years. She could buy the current one, but it would have to be replaced soon (she didn’t give a timeframe). They had them in stock but weren’t on the floor, so I’ll bet they’re available soon. Unfortunately, there were quite a few new “old” ones that they may want to unload before putting the new model on the shelves.</p>

<p>Today we asked about clickers, D is a Fresh but we had already purchased the old one… The Supe Store Employee said before you buy a new version clicker for the Fall be sure to talk to the professor because some classes may still only be compatible with the the old version this semester.</p>

<p>We bought the old one several weeks ago not realizing it would only be used this semester. D returned it today, and the Bookstore said the new ones should have been stocked by this afternoon. She is going back next week to get it. We could not see buying one this semester and then another one next semester.</p>

<p>Longsx3, the bookstore did not tell D that. Hope she does not have to go back and get the old one again.</p>

<p>D was in supestore this afternoon and the staff said that the NXT clicker is required for CH101. You won’t be able to use the old version for that class.</p>

<p>Bummer, because we already bought the old version that was listed for her biology class.</p>

<p>Retraction from above comment. D emailed CH 101 instructor and he said old clicker is fine! My advice is to check with individual prof!</p>

<p>What upper-division classes, if any, require said clickers (esp which eng’g classes)?</p>