A new year

<p>DW left early this AM with DD2 for Oregon. They'll have a couple of days of fun (possibly hiking Multnomah Falls, certainly visiting Powells) before schlepping all the boxes to the new dorm (moving from the Forest dorms down to Akin). Wish I could go but I used too much vacation this summer.</p>

<p>Too bad you couldn’t join them, but I’d bet they’re glad they don’t have to keep track of good old dad. </p>

<p>Our son never left Portland. He managed to get an internship at the school over the summer. He did move out of the dorms and into a rental house for fall and will be in New Zealand for spring. We’ll get to see him in December.</p>

<p>I keep getting updates from DW about what they’ve done and where they’ve eaten… At least I get to hang out with DD1 and DS.</p>

<p>I’m not sure how December will work yet. DD2 has been accepted for a study abroad in Japan starting in Jan. We don’t know if she has to travel back to L&C or go directly there. She is (needless to say) really looking forward to it. This will be enough for her to add another minor (Japanese).</p>

<p>From what little we’ve been told, they get told where the where the plane is leaving from and they need to make arrangements to get there. Our son is leaving from Los Angeles. He wasn’t too clear on who paid for that ticket to get him there. He also was originally considering Japan too, but it would have put him back a semester for his major.</p>

<p>Hopefully we’ll find out some details soon so we can make reservations. Fortunately DD2 brought in enough AP credits to have a major and two minors within the 4 years.</p>

<p>Hi all! My S is a Senior who is super excited about L&C and will be applying EA. We visited the very end of his Sophmore year. We are from CA and have family in Seattle, so love the PNW. Just wanted to know if anyone has any advice or examples of your students experiences at L&C.</p>

<p>Here is a little bit about my S… He is an Eagle Scout, Vigil medal, (highest honor in Scouting’s honor society Order of the Arrow) 3 Regional leadership positions and 1 National in Scouting. 1200 hours community service working on trails and conservation… big internship this summer with SCA. First Responder, Rescue Scuba Diver who has just started a scuba conservation organization, Search and Rescue team, went to a boarding school in Vermont 2nd semester Junior year on an organic rural farm… LOVED IT. Wants to major in ES and go on to med school to be a rural ER doc. LOVED Portland and is excited about the Oregon Heath Hospital for medical volunteering. He is VERY outdoorsy…competitive rock climber, mountaineer, and was excited about L&C’s active outdoor club.</p>

<p>3.6 GPA, 2200 SAT’s.</p>

<p>Welcome 5boys. With that record I’m sure your son will get in with some kind of merit aid. I don’t know if I have any advice for you. DD2 loves L&C and Portland (strolling downtown every weekend, particularly at the Saturday Morning Market). She’s also found a boulder gym to go to.</p>

<p>Thanks Erin’s dad!! What is your daughter majoring in? Do you know if there is any outside rocks to climb anywhere close by? That is SO cool tht they can just stroll downtown… my S really liked the Portland vibe and of course Voodoo’s and Powell’s. It is very similar to Vermont also, another place my S loves. I think it is the whole unpretentious, outdoorsy, hippish, environmentally conscience thing they both have going on. My S would love to just work on a farm, read Edward Abbey, wear his Carharts, bandanas and work boots, grow a beard and talk Philosophy all day, darn that education thing gets in the way.</p>

<p>I’ll ask her about rocks nearby. I do know she does slack-lining at school. There is also a major park, Tryon, adjacent to L&C. I’m not sure about big rocks…</p>

<p>To go strolling downtown she has to take the bus, but she does it pretty much every weekend. Powell’s is a mandatory spot for DD2 (and everyone else in the family who visits). I haven’t made it to Voodoo Donuts yet but she has. As far as working on a farm, your S can join the Bucolic Farmers Society at Lewis & Clark.</p>



<p>I just found out there’s a site the students are supposed to be checking to find out what they need to do. You might have DD2 check with friends to see if they know anything. The Japan program may work differently. I also found out we’re responsible for getting him to Los Angeles to make the flight.</p>