RD Acceptances?

<p>Anyone here accepted to L&C, yet?</p>

<p>They are starting to send out letters on the 16th for RD, good luck to all</p>

<p>Hmm. I received mine already, although it was just a fax to my school... :/</p>

<p>My D was accepted today with a Dean's Scholarship for $4000, however she's leaning towards Univ.of Puget Sound at the moment, where she's received an $8000 scholarship. Still waiting to hear from about 5 other schools, but they're more match/reaches. Any other L&C acceptances or thoughts about decision between L&C and UPS?</p>

<p>Both great schools, definitely a fit thing. My D got more at Puget Sound as well and more still at Willamette, her favorite of the three. Let us know what you decide.</p>

<p>I got in yesterday as a Trustee Scholar (half tuition). I'm really happy, but I'm waiting to make a decision until I hear from all of my schools. Lewis and Clark is a great place.</p>

<p>Wow Malachite! congratulations, you must have impressive stats. Where else are you considering?</p>

<p>Thanks so much arizonamom!</p>

<p>I've already been accepted to Tulane and UCLA, and am waiting to hear from Berkeley, Yale, and Brown. L&C was a safety for me, but I really liked it when I visited and would be happy to go there. I worked really hard for the past three or so years, and it's great to be rewarded for that.</p>

<p>Good luck, and keep us informed , my D is waiting until she hears from everywhere as well to decide.</p>

<p>I just received an email from Lewis and Clark that opens with this text,</p>

<p>"Greetings from Lewis & Clark College, and welcome to our monthly e-newsletter for applicants to the College. Below, you’ll find links to interesting stories about what’s new at L&C, as well as dates, deadlines, and contacts to assist you through the admissions process."</p>

<p>I have not yet received a denial/acceptance letter from them.</p>

<p>The weird thing is, I sent in my application four and a half months ago for EA (I was deffered). Doesn't it seem like a weird time to send me this email? Of course, I'm hoping that this is sent out to accepted applicants only :)</p>

<p>Anyone else receive a similar email from them?</p>

<p>It should come soon. My D recieved hers yesterday. Good luck!</p>

<p>It's coming. I got a fax (through my school) on March 1 or 2 about it and then I received the big envelope a week or so later.</p>

<p>And no, I never received an e-mail like that.</p>

<p>Another Trustee Scholar here...</p>

<p>and no letter as of yesterday. She has been accepted at Puget Sound and 4 other schools, so no biggie, but surprised we have not heard.</p>

<p>I know during the EA round they waited for quite some time to tell me (in fact, I got the packet on the very last day that they said they'd be sending out decisions) so, don't lose hope! They may just be slow.</p>

<p>The big one came! It wasa postmarked on the 23rd. Maybe just slow in the mail. :)</p>

<p>I got mine on Friday. No merit scholarships, so unless the Financial Aid package is extremely generous, I won't be attending. It makes me sad, LC's my first choice. :(</p>

<p>What are your stats?</p>