A normal kid's chances

<p>Hi guys. Unlike most of you, I do not have perfect SAT scores or GPA. I am, however, a very involved and passionate student. I want to go to a school where there are people like myself (enthusiastic and intellectually curious), but I'm afraid I don't have to scores to get accepted to those schools. Maybe you all could help me find a good school that I could possibly be accepted to, even if it is a reach.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7 (unweighted)
Sophmore year:
Honors Biology (I got a B)
Regular integrated Math (an A, no honors options)
Honors English (A-)
Regular social studies (A's, but I had no honors options)
French (A's)
Choir (A's)</p>

<p>2 summers with concordia French credit immersion programs (an A, and A-)</p>

<p>Junior year:
Honors Chemistry (B's)
Honors combined English-Social studies (A-)
Honors Math (A's)
Honors Choir (A's)
French 4 (A's)
German 1 (A's)</p>

<p>This summer I'm living with a German family for one month.</p>

<p>SAT: 640M 620CR 560W (I didn't finish my essay)</p>

LOTS of theater at local children's theaters and at school. (The one thing I'm definetly good at)
JV Cross country running (lettered), JV nordic skiing. (Won most improved)
Young Democrats (executive board, treasurer)
Student philosophy group
Job @ local park
Job working for Kerry campain</p>

<p>Although this isn't super impressive, I can count on excellent recommendations and a great interview. My person part of the application should be the strongest.</p>

<p>If you guys could tell me what schools I might be able to get into, I'd really appreciate it.</p>

<p>I'm looking at:
Syracuse University
Boston University
University of North Carolina
American University
and my dream school is Berkeley</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>shew...you'll hafta fix that SAT score....take a Kaplan or Princeton Review one-month course and retake that thing...i know...it's a horribly annoying test, but i promise you, one of these courses will raise your score dramatically, increasing your chances at your dream school and any other university....i recommend Kaplan, because it brought my score up from a 1210 to a 1310 without any other studying aside from 2 or 3 practice tests and i didn't even finish the online course....some extra studying with it will work some wonders.... Also.....i know it might be a little bit difficult....but attempt to maintain a 4.0 your senior year.....that'll bring your gpa up to about a 3.8ish...with that and a high SAT score, lots of involvement...you'll be a very competetive applicant....it won't be a shoo-in but very competetive.</p>

<p>Also...what's your state of residence? Berkley, UNC, UVa are hard ass schools to get in to out of state.....but...go for UVa :):):)...great school, great ppl, great parties, great academic program</p>

<p>If you bring your SAT scores to all be above 700 (or even 2 above 700 and the 3rd above a 650) then I'd say you're in at Syracuse, BU, and American. </p>

<p>UNC and Berkeley will be harder if you're out of state. UNC you could get in if you're in state, Berkeley will be a stretch whether you're instate or not.</p>

<p>Don't worry about "normal" grades - I'm not even in an honors courseload. :D this site represents the top 0.01% of college applicants.</p>

<p>campaign...spelled with a G</p>

<p>You need your SAT above 2000 for sure...If you can knock it up to a 2100+ your chances:</p>

<p>Syracuse - 70%
BU - 70%
American - 75%
UNC - 15 - 20%
Berkeley - 15%</p>

<p>If you don't get your SAT to a 2100, i really think that UNC and UCB are out of the question. Syracuse, BU, and American are still matches, but weaker.</p>

<p>Does your school offer AP?</p>

<p>Thanks guys. My school only offers AP English, but my combined english-social class is definetly as hard. I'll be taking AP English next year though.
Before this, I was thinking of taking regular Physics next year instead of honors because my honors chemistry class was such hell. Now I'm thinking I should probably do the honors physics. Do you think it would be worth it?</p>

<p>What else can I do to raise my chances?</p>