A question about transferable units to a UC

<p>So the minimum units needed to transfer is 60 and the maximum that can transfer is 70. </p>

<p>If I manage to complete 70 UC transferable units at my community college instead of the 60 will that mean that I will have a slightly less heavy workload when I do transfer? </p>

<p>Sorry if this question seems dumb :)</p>

<p>And one more question: does anyone know if completing transferable units with credit by exam look in bad on an application? Thanks.</p>

<p>Yes if you take 70 in CC then you will have 10 less units to complete toward the MINIMUM # required to graduate.</p>

<p>Usually you need at least 180 (quarter units) to graduate. Of those 180- you can transfer in 105 (quarter U)… if you transfer in the MIN of 90 quarter units instead then you will have more to do at UC.</p>

<p>However if you have a unit heavy major you may still have to do more at the UC anyways.</p>

<p>I was about to post a question like this about units, thanks Rattus89 for posting.</p>

<p>I’m a freshmen at PCC transferring for Fall 10’ as a Business or Economics major (depending on college) and I calculated by the end of my sophomore year I’ll have 72 units that are UC and USC transferrable.</p>

<p>Its okay if you have 70-80 units by the time you transfer to a UC. What I have read is you should have no more then 80 or else they are more likely to reject you. Plus there is no point in having more then 80, thats just ridiculous.</p>

<p>NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! </p>

<p>the 80 UNIT THING IS ONLY and ONLY for people who go to a 4 year university</p>

<p>Once again- if all your units come from CC you have no limit that will reject you. Take 5000 units, you will still be considered for admission.</p>

<p>You just get Unit credit for 105 quarter units max, that is it! After that you get subject credit.</p>

<p>Technically, the unit maximum of 80 semester (120 quarter) units is placed on all applicants even community college students. However, since we cap transferable units at 70 semester (105 quarter) units from two year colleges, the unit maximum will never be reached unless you add units from a four year university. This is why we advertise the unit maximum doesn’t apply to two year college students.</p>