<p>I'm a junior, and right now I'm feeling pretty bad about my college application due to one big red sore thumb sticking out.</p>
<p>Besides a high GPA, great SAT scores (2200~), great AP/SAT II scores, and also being a big national level figure in the Democratic Party's youth wing, (I'll hopefully advance to even a higher position next year!), one sore thumb sticks out really bad in my personal dream to get into Dartmouth College.</p>
<p>Class Rank.</p>
<p>At my school, class rank is unweighted, and as such, those who have taken AP courses and have gotten ~94/3.9s in them, are ranked out of the top 10%, as the top 10% is filled (Besides the top 1% - those are true academic studiers) with people who do NOT take AP classes (and get 4.0's) exactly because "I like my 100 in a non-AP class than my 85 in a AP class". </p>
<p>Thus, at the current moment, Im out of the top 10%, and it is unlikely I can slip into it, (even though its a possibility if I get a 99 average this year or so) so I'm feeling pretty down about that.</p>
<p>Any encouragement/ideas any of you guys can give me?</p>