A situation that hasn't been covered...

<p>or at least I've yet to find the topic in these forums: having a bad year at another University (not in California) and how it plays in to UC community college transfers.</p>

<p>I'm seriously considering taking the ccc route, with hopes of transfering to UCLA. BUT I have a concern: I currently attend the Univ. of Arizona, this is my second year (but I'm considered a freshman), have earned 9 units, and have a miriad of W's and 4 E's (fails). My GPA is 1.8. As bad as it sounds, I'm actually a good student (3.8 H.S. GPA) who just went through some family issues and made some impulsive decisions. The main one being a choice to stop attending school for first semester w/out withdrawing (giving me 3 failing grades).</p>

<p>So this is what I'm questioning:</p>

<p>Hypothetically: I withdraw from the Univ of Ariz, "start over" and complete the ~2year at a ccc and do very well, and then apply to some top UC's.</p>

<p>will my bad year at the Univ of Arizona haunt me? I CAN stay here at the U of A and fix some of my mishaps, but I do not want to stay here. I know there's no guarantees, but I would appreciate some perspective/advice on what I should do.</p>

<p>Your grades don’t just “disappear” because you start attending a CCC; yes, your poor first semester grades will take a hit on your GPA, but you’ve only taken 9 units. You can also stay at Arizona for the first two years and try to transfer as an OOS.</p>

<p>I know they won’t disappear lol, I wish. I just wanted some informed opinions on how this hurts my chances.</p>

<p>To clarify I have been attending UA since Fall 2007, and would rather not stay here, but begin CCC next year.</p>

<p>so are you telling me that if I do well during my time at a CCC that my A,B,B,E,E,E,E grades here won’t count me out?</p>



<p>I never implied that. You’re basically asking again if your grades will just disappear from your GPA, which it won’t. If you want to go the CCC route for sure, then you should do it ASAP. Just keep in mind that you HAVE to factor your UA grades come application time.</p>

<p>thx for the help. why do you say I should go ASAP if I’m serious about CCC? so i don’t earn too many units here?</p>

<p>Having too many units is a concern (you generally don’t want to go above 60 units) but that shouldn’t be a problem for you. People here, myself included, tend to suggest going the ccc route as fast as possible because, barring any compelling reason to stay at your currect school, ccc is better because it’s cheaper, easier and gives you priority when you apply. The faster you get into a ccc the faster you can apply as a ccc student. </p>

<p>My concerns for you are about whether you are from California. If you are out-of-state just keep in mind that oos tuition is like going to a private school and financial aid is close to nil. Even going to a ccc can get a little expensive. Applying for residency can be done but its really, really hard.</p>

<p>The ccc system is all about second chances. If you start going to a ccc, work hard, do really well and then explain your issues when you apply you should be fine. Good luck.</p>

<p>Yeah, CCC is significantly cheaper I believe (even if you are OOS). Better to go now than later since there is no point to staying at a school you don’t wanna be at.</p>

<p>Are your parents California residents?</p>

<p>Well, I don’t think your situation is catastrophic. The fact that you have three F’s in one semester clearly shows that there was a personal emergency. I would see if there is any way that you can get UofA to strike those from your record because of the emergency.</p>

<p>If not, yes, starting over at a CCC will be a good thing ONLY if you can maintain a really high GPA. They like to see upward grade trends. You want to show admissions reps that you will not have a bad semester again and that you just had a hard time. If you can even make it into a “I learned something” story, all the better. When you do apply with your CCC units and your UofA transcript, BE SURE to explain your record and why the F’s are there.</p>