A What Are My Chances Calculator?!?

<p>So I've tried posting my chances on here, really to no avail... then I heard about this feature today, and tried it out, and I think it's actually sort of accurate (I hope!). I'm not sure how it works without knowing stuff like the quality of my essays, but considering I never really got a response here, I'll take something of nothing...</p>

<p>What</a> Are My Chances Calculator</p>

<p>My Stats:
GPA: 3.98 / 4
SAT: 2100
Rank: 3 / 240</p>

<p>AP Bio: 4
AP US Gov't: 4
AP Comparative Gov't: 4
AP French: 5
AP European History: 4</p>

<p>I have a bunch of clubs and whatnot -- maybe 5 or 6 -- but I was only the president of the Math Club</p>

<p>I play Varsity hockey (4 years) and I'm the captain this year
I play Varsity lacrosse (3 years)</p>

<p>Applying to:
University of Michigan</p>

<p>Let me know what you think please!</p>

<p>BC - Match
PC - ?
Harvard - Reach
Georgetown - Slight reach
University of Michigan - Match</p>

<p>Thanks for the chancer thing :D</p>

<p>sorry i should have been more clear -- PC = Providence College</p>


<p>Lol, OH. Well, in that case, it's a match. Outta curiosity, is one of these your favorite school? Harvard's a bit more top-tier than some of the others on your list.</p>

<p>Edit: Feh, that was awkwardly worded. I was trying to say, do you have a favorite school/if so, which is your favorite? Harvard is kind of like the random Ivy compared to the rest of them.</p>

<p>I'd say right now it's between BC / Georgetown -- as much as I hate that I'm doing it, Harvard is basically a Why The Hell Not? app, just to see what happens...Random though, for sure haha</p>

<p>Hi, I’m applying as a music major, and I really want to go to Yale. What does it look like my chances are:</p>

<p>Freshman Year
Geometry Honors
Biology Honors
AP World History
English 1 Honors
Italian 1 Honors
Orchestra 1
Beginning Choir
GPA: 4.42 1/460</p>

<p>Sophomore Year
Algebra 2 Honors
AP Biology
AP U.S. History
English 2 Honors
Italian 2 Honors
Orchestra 3
Chamber singers
GPA: 4.5 1/478</p>

Pre-calculus Honors
A.P. chemistry
Physics Honors
A.P. European History
A.P. Eng. Language
Italian 3 Honors
Orchestra 3
Chamber Singers
GPA: 4.562 1/467</p>

<p>AP Calculus AB
AP Physics B
AP Microeconomics
AP Eng. Lit
AP Italian Lang & Cult
AP Music Theory
Orchestra 3
Chamber Singers
GPA: 4.75 2/454</p>

<p>The only reason I’m currently 2/454 is because this girl is taking ONLY AP classes, whilst I’m taking AP and regular music classes, so orchestra and choir brought my GPA down, or else I would have had a 5.0. Will this hurt my chances? I got a 2400 on my SATs. I got 5’s on all my AP exams except AP Euro, I got a 4, and I have not taken my 6 AP exams for this year yet. It looks like, though, I’m going to be valedictorian. I’m also president of the national honors society, and I’m apart of 3 youth orchestras. I’ve made it into Western REgionals and All state every year since Freshman year on Violin. Do I have the chance to get into Yale?</p>

<p>make your own thread</p>

<p>exactly what I was gonna say. Seriously dude, you can’t latch on to someone else’s thread.</p>

<p>Yeah, that’s not fair buddy. Nobody will answer you if you try to do this. Just make your own. And to the OP, I think BC and Georgetown are possibles - oh and UM too and Harvard - well that’s just a reach for everyone.</p>

<p>sorry to post this on your thread, but he may have thought that this was the thread where he could get his chances calculated from the title</p>

<p>wow, people are rude these days to newcomers. Thanks a lot everyone for helping out someone who doesn’t understand well.</p>

<p>In time, you’ll come to see that people here are generally blunt. It’s not to insult or anything, we mostly just tell it like it is and call it a day. The entire board is devoted to chances and we would have thought that if you saw that each thread was a different chance, you’d know you had to make your own thread too, but none of these comments (at least to the best of my knowledge) were meant to be insulting. Sorry if it came across that way.</p>

<p>see my above post, I tried to point out a possible cause for why you posted! HEhe, sorry to be rude. Anyways, welcome to the forums, and again sorry!</p>

<p>Those comments looked pretty “rude” to me. “make your own thread”. Couldn’t he have reworded this into this: “Sorry, but if you would like us to answer, please make your own thread.” You guys come across as RUDE, not blunt. I apologize to redwingshockey for having to say this on HIS thread. I was under the impression that this was a free thread, and not one based upon one person. I’ll go somewhere where the members are kinder to newcomers.</p>

<p>The above comments looked pretty rude to me. You could have said in a kinder way that I couldn’t post questions here. Sorry for the inconvenience I have brought upon you “junior” members. I’ll go somewhere where people are kinder.</p>

<p>oops, i sent that twice, my bad, I’m NEW to this.</p>

<p>oops, i sent that twice. Sorry, I’m NEW! so i don’t understand exactly.</p>

<p>This is the internet. If you are expecting proper manners from total strangers around the world, then you have a terrible misconception how people communicate. Nobody is OBLIGATED to be polite to you. You did something wrong and we bluntly told you about it. I sincerely doubt that anybody will be NICE to you if you do something against the accepted guidelines, even if you are new. So stop getting all worked up about it. You are obviously trying too hard to try to prove your point.</p>

<p>“I was under the impression that this was a free thread, and not one based upon one person.”
nobody said anything about payment…
and people are too wound up on their apps to ensure that every single comment made is polite and meets expected standards or something. “Make your own thread” is indeed blunt in my opinion. Why? Because it wasn’t followed up by an expletive or dirty name. Have you read some of the other posts that are made on this site? It is, as you say, free. And I’m only responding to this because I’m procrastinating again and I was running out of things to do.</p>

<p>“oops, i sent that twice. Sorry, I’m NEW! so i don’t understand exactly.”
just so you know, when I was new to this site, I took the time to feel it out myself, reading through a few forums etc before even posting. That really would have helped you.</p>