
<p>This is quite an odd topic and I'm not sure if anyone has started one like this before, but is it alright to use abbreviations in supplement essays? (For example is it alright to say U Chic or must you type the University of Chicago whenever referring to it? Thanks :3</p>

<p>Abbreviating the school’s name is fine. I’d make sure to go with the abbreviation that seems to be commonly used on the website. But be careful about other more colloquial abbreviations! You don’t want to use b/c for “because” or anything like that.</p>

<p>Yeah, definitely no texting language pretty much.
Abbreviations are ok depending on the circumstances I guess. Like in my activities, I said sci instead of science in order to fit what I needed, occasionally.</p>

<p>You should be fine so long as you don’t T41I< L1k3 Th1$</p>