About Integrated Math

Recently, I received this mandatory survey from the college I selected and I am stuck on a question. The question asks us to select which math classes we have already taken with the following options included: calculus, pre-calculus, algebra+ trigonometry, algebra, and statistics. I have taken Integrated Math 2+ and Integrated Math 3+ during my freshman and sophomore years, respectively. Which option would I mark? I’m confused, as these two classes cover a range of topics.

Content wise, integrated math 1, 2, 3 = algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2, but the topics may be taught in a different order from the traditional curriculum. You can mark algebra (or algebra + trigonometry if trigonometry was included in your math courses) and geometry (if that is a listed option).

If you took integrated math 3 in 10th grade, you presumably took precalculus in 11th grade and calculus in 12th grade; if you did, be sure to mark those courses as completed, since the college is probably most interested in your highest level math course.

My 10th grader is in integrated math 3 honors right now. That is the completion of algebra 1, geometry and algebra 2. I know she is doing trig right now but I think it includes some trig and some is either included in precalculus or reviewed. Next year if you are just doing precalculus and have fully covered trig this year put algebra plus trig otherwise just put algebra.