What do you think of my classes next year?

<p>I'll be in 10th grade next year. The classes I know I'll be taking are:</p>

<p>AP Computer Science
AP World History
Honors 10th Grade Literature
Honors Math 2 (our new math system here is weird, but that's basically what it's called)
Honors Chemistry</p>

<p>I'm a B average person in French and will probably always be one, but if my French teacher recommends me for it, I'll be in Honors French III. Do you guys think this schedule will be a tad bit difficult?</p>

<p>Nope. That’s easy as pie. You will be going to community college with that schedule.</p>

<p>Kidding. It’s pretty good, as long as that is the most rigorous that your school offers.</p>

<p>My French teacher was walking around signing our class registeration thing for next year, and she only marked me for French III… I’m thinking about going to her and asking her that I think I should go into Honors. I felt really cheated for not being in French II Honors this year, especially when my friend who is told me they are actually behind us…</p>

<p>Yeah, you should push for honors French - don’t let your teacher tell you that you aren’t capable. What is Math 2 equivalent to? Ideally you should be in PreCalc, but Algebra II would be fine too.</p>

<p>It looks really good! 2 APs in Soph Year is a great start!</p>

<p>I’m really not sure what it is, it’s some new system they brought recently. Apparently, it’s a mix of geometry and trig. It’s weird, I dunno. I’ll probably take up to Calc 2 when I do joint enrollment in my senior year, since I need to do calc 3 for computer science at Georgia Tech.</p>


Let me test my psychic powers:
You probably use Core-plus math books and have Math I-IV or Integrated Math I-IV. Your teachers tell you it is better because they mix the courses, but it’s really not. </p>

<p>Here’s how it works:</p>

<p>Integrated Math I-Algebra and some geometry
Integrated Math II-More Algebra and some geometry
Integrated Math III-Completion of Algebra II and Geometry topics
Integrated Math IV-Pre-cal</p>

<p>You’re not at KMHS are you? lol I heard from some friends that the county is converting to integrated Math.</p>

<p>I’m not entirely sure if that is going to be the transition or not, but I live in Georgia.</p>

<p>Hmm, I read a little into it, and I think it’s what I’m in. Damn it, I’ve never felt more cheated in my life. I remember when I just got into TAG in 5th grade (the school refused to believe I could get in… I swear, they placed me in ESOL through 2nd grade because they thought I couldn’t understand English), and then the TAG teacher told me the exam to get into a higher math would be too hard for me, which sort of demotivated me. What was I to think? I was like 10, I didn’t know any better then.</p>

<p>And now, I’m stuck in this bull **** while the kids who were in an upper level math class now already have two math credits for high school. I wish I could go back to 5th grade and tell myself to just take the exam… I remember learning nothing new in math through all of middle school.</p>

<p>I strongly dislike Integrated Math… it’s all my school offers… do they have the normal math track? </p>

<p>I’m taking online math instead, but I think you have to pay for online classes in Georgia. </p>

<p>Here’s what we have at my school (We have no Juniors or Seniors this year): </p>

<p>30% in Integrated Math I
40% in Integrated Math II Honors
20% in Integrated Math III Honors
4% Completed/Enrolled in Algebra II Online
1% Completed/Enrolled in Pre-calculus Honors online
0.75% (Only me) Enrolled In AP Calculus BC</p>

<p>It’s hard to explain to others that you are in a class that has pre-requisites that your school doesn’t offer.</p>

<p>They still have both old fashion math at our school, and this new math. In fact, I believe my class of 2012 is the first year they’re using this on. It’s like we’re the damn guinea pigs here, testing their crappy method of teaching math to us. I hope all the reading about how kids who have done this getting lower college entry test scores in math aren’t true.</p>

<p>See if you can get in the “old fashioned” math.</p>

<p>[New</a> Math - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_math]New”>New Math - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>I’m not sure if I could at this point… Many of the kids Algebra II freshman are going into pre-calculus next year, and I really doubt I could do that now with this curriculum that basically jumps from algebra to geometry to… statistics right now. God, I feel like a ■■■■■■. I’m just hoping this doesn’t keep me from being able to do well on the math section of the SAT’s. </p>

<p>It’s weird though. AP CompSci requires Algebra II to be taken for it, though my math teacher told me that I should be able to take the class without much problems.</p>


Many times classes want students with a certain level of maturity in a subject. To take chemistry (of course, only offered honors) at my school, one must be enrolled in or have completed Integrated Math III Honors or Algebra II.</p>

<p>It’s not like you use a whole heck of math (although you do use logarithms at some point) and what you do use could easily be taught.</p>

<p>To take AP Physics at any other school in my county you have to take Physical Science, Biology, Honors Chemistry, Honors Physics, and Advanced Physics (Honors).
Also my county requires a B in middle school or High school English to take Spanish.</p>



<p>What math class did you take last year? Math I?</p>



<p>Why the **** would Integrated Math be an Honors course?</p>



<p>Wait…so you have 4/3s of a person enrolled in Precalc at school? Please explain =)</p>

<p>aigiqinf, thanks for that information. In my school, you need a certain grade in math to be able to take chemistry as well.</p>

<p>Last year, I think we had some sort of integrated math as well… all I remember is writing a lot for no reason.</p>

<p>Why do you feel cheated that you are not in french honors? like you said, you’re a b student therefore you dont really belong in honors french.</p>

<p>cs12345, it’s because we’re learning the same things, and it seems that we’re a little ahead as well. Also, I know many students who have C’s and B’s who are in honors classes. In other classes where the course may be more rigorous, it may make some sense, but this just seems unfair.</p>

<p>ah i see. is the honors teacher the same as the normal teacher?</p>

<p>Yeah, pretty much. When I look at French 3 and French 3H’s schedule and homework every day when I go to French II, it’s always the same exact thing.</p>