About Postsecondary Transcripts

<p>I took a precalculus class at a local community college over the summer, which was then transferred into my high school transcript for credit. I have it listed in the postsecondary portion of the application but I wasn't aware that, as the instructions say, I need to send transcripts from the schools to the universities. My counselor has told me that because the credit is listed on my high school transcript, it shouldn't matter. Doesn't sound like that's right, though.</p>

<p>"Please have an official transcript sent from each institution as soon as possible." </p>

<p>My question is: 1) Do I need to have the community college send a copy of my transcript for that one class to every college? 2) If these transcripts are past postmark application deadlines... am I screwed?</p>

<p>I think that, under your situation, since you took it for high school credit, you should be able to get by with just your high school’s noting it. Call the colleges just in case? I’ve taken a few courses at my local community college, too, but my transcripts are only going to be postmarked a few days after app. deadlines also. I think colleges are fairly lenient when it comes to stuff like recommendations, transcripts, secondary school reports being slightly late… but then again, I may be totally wrong.</p>

<p>What you have is fine and will work.
BUT If you can get a college transcript, I would. It looks better and reinforces that you took actual college courses.</p>

<p>Since its already on your high school transcript, it will not matter if you submit a college transcript later. And the previous post is correct, most all schools allow most portions to be sent later, unless the school clarifies they want everything by the date.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses.</p>