About U of C's rec. letters

<p>So I'm applying for undergraduate and I think I have a chance of getting in (4.3 GPA, SAT I: 2160 (retaking), SAT II: 800, 800), anyways I had my math teacher and biology teacher and counselor write my rec. letters but I just realized that U of C REQUIREs a humanities teacher rec. letter? Is there any chance that I'll get in...I know i'll hurt my chances but would it still be possible?</p>

<p>Send in an English/History teacher rec (assuming you’re applying in the regular round) as either a second rec or a supplemental. Something to have on file if they want to see it.</p>

<p>Chicago’s core is very reading/writing heavy, so the request for a rec from a teacher of a reading/writing-based subject makes a lot of sense.</p>

<p>well you see my english and history teachers have this rule where they’ll only write letter if you asked them in 11th grade…so year, and my 10th grade english and history teachers aren’t even teaching anymore…I know I’m super lucky</p>

<p>Wow, that seems quite unfortunate. You should explain the situation to them, but it will most likely hurt you. You don’t have any other English/History teachers?</p>

<p>Talk to them and to your guidance counselor. Your GC is probably going to want you to get an English/History rec if you explain that’s what Chicago asks for. See if you can get something. And if you can’t, call the admissions office and explain your situation.</p>

<p>Chicago may mark your file as incomplete without the English/social studies rec and not even look at it. They are pretty clear on the requirement. And foreign language teachers don’t count either in case you were considering that. As unalove suggested I would go talk to your counselor ASAP.</p>

<p>As of two years ago, a file was complete with one recommendation.</p>

<p>Scroll down to December 6, 2006, “The Truth about admissions decisions and alumni interviews” (I can’t isolate it on its own):</p>

<p>[Chicago’s</a> Uncommon Application, 2007-2008: December 2006](<a href=“http://uncommonapplication07-08.blogspot.com/2006_12_01_archive.html]Chicago’s”>Chicago's Uncommon Application, 2007-2008: December 2006)</p>

<p>Just in case any juniors are reading this…one thing S did late junior year as he was determining where to apply was to make a spreadsheet of what each school wanted in terms of recs (from which subject areas), how many SAT-IIs (and which categories, if any), etc. Made it a lot easier to determine who he should contact about recs, which SAT-IIs he should take, and the timing for same.</p>

<p>Reduces stress senior year!</p>

<p>I am surprised at the number of students who come on CC in November and December (not just the Chicago threads) and say they suddenly need a specific subject area teacher’s rec. Most of the schools to which S applied last year were quite sepcific that one needed an English/social studies AND a math/science. While there are legitimate questions to be asked about how FL/econ/comp sci recs fall into the scheme of things, it seems that any student looking at schools the caliber of Chicago should have recs that reflect strengths and well-rounded abilities across multiple subject areas.</p>

<p>Yeah, I know, preachy mom, but it really IS helpful to get organized and know what the school you so desperately want to attend requires!</p>

<p>Cross-post: unalove, I remember seeing that blog, and I think Libby said here last year it was OK, too, though they REALLY wanted both.</p>

<p>SoCaliii: I really hope you talked to your guidance counsellor today. Sometimes rules can be bent a little bit. The other thing to explore is this: Chances are your 10th grade teachers aren’t dead, even if they aren’t teaching at the school anymore. One of them might be willing to write you a recommendation letter if you asked nicely.</p>

<p>My math teacher completely forgot I asked him to write me a rec, and I still got accepted. The person from the admissions office who e-mailed me said they are capable of making a decision based on only one letter. He also mentioned that he had been accepted with only one rec.</p>

<p>From my understanding, this is a more common occurrence than you’d think. I had a similar experience with my Columbia recs, so I think colleges in general tend to be pretty lenient about it.</p>

<p>If you can manage to send them another rec, that’s definitely not going to hurt you. But I don’t think they really need it.</p>