Absolute zero

<p>Is absolute zero the only breaking crew at Cornell? like all the bboys session with them? or are there a buncha other crews, but absolute zero's the best?</p>

<p>idk. but it defintly has the best name by far</p>

<p>aww i saw them. they're so cute and good.</p>

<p>^^ if i get into cornell ill be sure to join! :D</p>

<p>They are sooooo cute and fun to watch... I saw them when I went to MVP- multicultural visitation weekend.... def. check them out!!</p>

<p>yup that's where i saw them.</p>

<p>Did you see the frats and sorors do their strolls and stuff?? I loved all that stuff... it surprised me.. cause I thought the weekend was going to be reallly boring, but I loved it :)</p>

<p>yea!! that's what really made me apply early decision.</p>

<p>Same here! Well good luck...:)</p>

<p>thanks you too! =)</p>