Abstract Essay?

<p>So I'm applying to UCLA, UCB, UCD, UCSD, and UCI. I'm currently out-of-state, sophomore-going-junior, and I currently hold a GPA of 3.98.</p>

<p>My second application essay (yes, it's freakishly late) is based on a pretty abstract theme that relates a location and time to my personality. I'm basically word painting, but I'm afraid that it detracts from the overall meaning and statement of the essay. The style is opposite of what I've used in my first essay.</p>

<p>Any suggestions? What will adcoms favor? WILL they even like what I've written? How strongly are the essays weighed, anyway?</p>

<p>If it were my job to mow through personal statements, and if I were pushed at a determined pace which appropriated some certain length of time to any given statement, and if I were afforded, say, just enough time to read and reflect but not enough time to pick apart the construction, symbolism, and whatever else of the statement, I’d probably be hard-pressed to truly get, or understand, an adequately abstract and/or layered statement. So uh I’d caution against it, but maybe not: I don’t have any expertise, here; I’m just making an argument for what sounds logical (in my mind).</p>

<p>For all I know the adcoms have more than enough time to digest the denser pieces – and denser means better, fuller, more representative of whatever, so I don’t know if you should or shouldn’t go for it but maybe I have helped in a way or another.</p>

<p>My second essay was somewhat abstract but I tried to make it relatable [btw College Confidential thinks I spelled relatable wrong - outdated system T_T] with concrete ties.</p>

<p>I forget what the second prompt was but I discussed the critical points in my life that influenced what the word “belonging” meant to me within the context of that time. Overall, I summed it up with how I’ve learned to endorse the mistakes that belong to me and how my unconventional pathway has shaped my education.</p>

<p>In both my essays, I wound up cutting out some of the eloquence and place description in order to fit the character count. Honestly, this is your PERSONAL statement. I think that being a skillful writer in your own way can be incredibly beneficial, as long as you make sure you’re addressing the prompt.</p>

<p>I think the purpose of a PS is to simply to look at how you view yourself (and make sure you’re a coherent writer). I’m sure your essay is fine as long as you include those ideas. If you feel like something is lacking, keep in mind that you can write a THIRD essay about whatever you want.</p>