Academic gpa and grades


<p>Can anybody answer me this: can UM turn you down after accepting if your gpa and grades are lower the second semester?
This year classes have been more rigorous and harder for me, so I can't keep up that high grades as I could get the first semester. Of course, not much lower, just a little bit, but not just in one subject! I still have my final national exams in summer, and I'm sure I will get all A levels there.
Is there anything to worry about, you think?</p>

<p>P.S- Which are the best programs in the arts&sciences department? I got accepted there, but with undecided</p>

<p>Yes, but it’s uncommon.</p>

<p>Yeah but it’s like if you drop from straight As to straight Fs. Most schools have a lot of middle ground through so say you go As to Cs, they might admit you but put you on academic probation for the first semester or require you take classes over the summer. Still really uncommon though.</p>

<p>Keep your grades in the A-B range and you’ll be fine. And, the best program in Arts & Sciences is Marine Sciences thru RSMAS (but then I’m quite biased) :)</p>

<p>If I get a couple B’s for final grades this year (have gotten straight A’s throughout high school), what are the chances that they’d take away the Singer Scholarship? I haven’t been doing to hot in my classes this semester, and I’m starting to get legitimately concerned that it’ll be taken away from me…</p>

<p>Ok, thanks, guys! Oh no, I’m still generally in the A-Bs range, so, I guess I should be fine then. :)</p>

<p>I may have one or two C Plus in AP courses. Is this ok?</p>

<p>Also, as for grades at The U, I couldn’t seem to find the percentages online. What constitutes an A, A+, A-, B etc?</p>

<p>I have to believe the UM admissions and financial aid folks expect there to be some senior slump, even in those who have recieved the largest awards. I do NOT know for sure if UM takes any action, or just raises an eyebrow, so my best advice is to buck up and finish strong. Turn in papers and study for exams like you hadn’t received these scholarships - you don’t want to tarnish your HS records if they have been impeccable so far, do you?</p>

<p>To dan: I don’t know your history here - did you get a Singer? If so, and you have been scoring A’s in AP courses, then C+ reflects pretty poorly. Plus, if you score say a 2 or 3 on the exam, you won’t get the corresponding credit that a 4 or 5 will bring you.</p>

<p>You both know you can turn it around and for the next 5 or 6 weeks, bust your butts and put a pretty bow on your HS transcripts. Then you get a full 2 months off to kick back and enjoy the summer before packing up for the []_[].</p>

<p>I did not get a Singer, just a Dean’s for National Merit. My school is known for tough APs, I got B’s in both of mine last year but 5 on the exam. My GPA was my weakest part of my app to begin with</p>