academic probation

I think I will be on my academic probation for the first time. I know parents does not access to my grades, but would my parents know that I have academic probation? Do they send out a letter, email or something?

At my university, they only send it through your school email!

No, your parents are not allowed to know unless you tell them.

My parents were very supportive when I told them I was on academic probation (AP). Honestly, the only reason I was on AP is that I failed on the class which was physics 1. The following semester I got close to a 2.99 GPA semester.

wait, so they do send out an email? I need answers from students from UW. I don’t have a scholarship by th eway

Academic probation could affect things like ability to take out a Stafford Loan. Your parents will not be told directly since FERPA protects your privacy. But if Mom and Dad are paying the tuition bill and find out that you can’t receive any grants or loans - well, they are going to call the Office of Fin. Aid - who can’t disclose anything and will recommend that they speak to you. You can see where this is leading, OP.

Also, anything sent via regular mail is going to come to your home (ie permanent) address. For most students that address is where their parents live. Not clear that you would get a notice in the regular mail. You might want to call Office of the Registrar to find out.