<p>Is it okay for me to ask an Geography teacher?
What do they exactly mean by "academic"</p>
<p>math, english, science, history, or foreign language.<br>
they don't want an elective teacher, like art or computer science to write it.</p>
<p>so is it okay to ask geography..?</p>
<p>Yeah. Geography is okay.</p>
<p>phew THANK YOU SO MUCH :)</p>
<p>noghi, geography is definitely an academic subject, so that qualifies under "academic recommendation." </p>
<p>I think that NYU just doesn't want you to ask, for instance, your gym teacher to recommend you, as the gym teacher can certainly say if you are picked first for kickball but probably can't say much about your ability and dedication as a student. </p>
<p>Best of luck.</p>
<p>Thanks NotMamaRose :) You've actually answered several of my questions:) thnx!</p>
<p>Is it going to be ok for me to ask my business teacher since that is academic? </p>
<p>Also he is my academic club advisor so he knows how hard I work during school/outside of school.</p>
<p>if you're going to be in a business major and you're taking intermediate-advanced business courses, then sure.</p>
<p>I was planning on asking my school counselor for one, and the CEO of the YMCA that I volunteer at frequently. Also, if one doesn't qualify, I volunteer alot with my cities Symphony Orchestra, and one of the people in charge of volunteers there would write me a letter. Would that be okay?
I am applying to Stern ED, if that makes a difference.</p>