Academic violation

<p>junior @ top University. Took a self paced anthro. class last semester. D professors syllabus stated that we weren't 2 collaborate on D labs/exams. A facebook group was created 4 D class. I Joined n so did my classmates. During D semester students exchanged answers on FB I went on FB, A student asked " Who wants 2 compare lab answers" my response 2 her question was "me too". After my comment another student replied we should meet in chat. Long story short 100 students were reported 2 D judicial system for involvement in collaborating/attempt 2 collaborate. I didn't say much except "me too". I also didn't go in D chat room. It may not seem that way B/C there is no way 2 tell but i didn't cheat. D Deans Office is threatening me with academic violation-C in D class. From what i understand having a record of violation prevents you 4rm entering GradSchool/having a life after college. Plz help me find a way 2 get out of this situation. Im shy/dont know how 2 stand up for myself.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what D is supposed to represent in this story…or C. But in any case, you don’t have a choice but to stand up for yourself. You say the Dean’s office is “threatening you” - why have they not just put it on your record? What did they say, exactly?</p>

<p>Also, you’ve posted in the A&M forum. Is A&M the university you are referring to? If not, you might want to hit the “College Confidential” link in blue at the top left of the page and find the appropriate place to post.</p>

<p>I only was allowed 1000 characters so the D represents the, and C is what they want to reduce my grade to and they want me to sign an academic violation sanction which i know nothing about. I dont know how to fight this or what to say</p>

<p>They havent put it in my record because they are waiting for me to sign it and accept the blame. They told me they received the facebook post and because i indicated “me too” as a response to one of the post and i also posted who made a 100 on the labs makes me guilty of attempting to distribute or receive information. Because of that they want me to sign the violation which i think stays in your academic record for 2 yrs after you graduate. And you also have to report an academic dishonesty to any and all future grad schools. i dont know what to do</p>

<p>If you didn’t collaborate, I would not accept blame. I would appeal to the Dean and be completely honest about what I did. In regards to the 100, are you also not permitted to talk about grades? </p>

<p>In any case, I would let this be a lesson - Don’t make it look like you cheated - on FB or anywhere else! Why would you say, “me too”? Don’t ever do anything like that again. </p>

<p>What happens if you will not sign?</p>

<p>He did not say we couldnt talk about grades. If i refuse to sign then i would have to appear in front of the board and explain myself except that im just not an orally confident person and im afraid i dont know what to say. I dont know if i should just sign it and give up the fight or what. i dont even remember why i put me too, i dont know what the other collapsed comments might have said. it was last semester and i cant even remember, because of this reason i know im screwed</p>

<p>If you are confident that you did not break the rules, then you need to stand up for yourself. Usually when we are pushed into a corner we find inner strength we didn’t even know we had. Find a friend for moral support and go to the hearing to defend yourself. They can do nothing worse than they would if you signed the report. They are more likely to believe you if you show up in person and stand up. Your future depends on it and you will forever regret it! Good advice, stay off FB!</p>