Academics or Electives?

<p>I'm extremely interested in technology and I want to major in computer engineering when I go to college. I'm considering taking Cisco in high school. I can get 15 credit hours at the college I want to go to for it and I can get a certification (I think it's called the CCNA?) for Cisco. My uncle, who is a software engineer, says it's a very good thing to know. The problem is that it is a 2 year class. I'm going to graduate one year early so that already cuts down on the classes I can take. If I don't take Cisco I'll take Physics Honors (I'll be taking Chemistry Honors that year too). Then I'd take AP Physics the next year probably (along with AP Chemistry) but I'd have to retake it in college because it's the wrong type of physics for my major, so I don't really want to waste time doing that. If I do Cisco I'd simply take Physics Honors (and AP Chemistry) my last year in high school. Will it look bad on a college resume that I'm sacrificing AP Physics for Cisco? I am following what I love to do, so I hope that will make a difference.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>