Acceptance Opinions...Input would be appreciated

<p>I'm currently a high school junior and I will be applying to U Miami early decision in the fall. Do you guys first of all think that applying early decision will help my chances? And secondly do you think that I have a good chance in general with...</p>

<p>GPA: 3.2
SAT: 1980
ACT: 28
Strong Essay
Strong Recs
Strong ECs</p>

<p>I think you definitely stand a chance.
I got accepted and am planning on going.
GPA: 3.5
SAT: 1890
SAT 2: Math Level 1 - 750 French - 700
Strong Essay
Strong Recs
Strong ECs
So you definitely definitely have a chance :slight_smile:
I hope that helped!</p>

<p>if you apply ED I think you’re definitely in. If it’s your first choice then I apply early decision. If it’s not then you can think about doing early action</p>