Acceptance question

My daughter just learned about a half an hour ago that she is accepted to Alabama. She applied to be a nursing major. Does this mean she is accepted into the nursing program? We live in Massachusetts. Thanks.

@laxmom24. We just attended a University Days for the Nursing school last week. Also OOS.

The bottom line is that if she applied nursing and she got in she is considered a nursing student. However UA is not a direct admit into BSN nursing program. After first two years and with taking certain specific classes and a test-they have to apply to be admitted into the 5 semester BSN nursing program. I can tell you the admitted student GPA’s are rather high for both the required science classes and the overall GPA. Also they are competing against students from other colleges who are applying into the school as well.

The bottom line is that unlike direct admit nursing schools my D21 applied too like Clemson and Delaware you run the chance that after 2 years in pre-nursing you will not get into the Bama BSN nursing program and will either have to change majors or transfer to another nursing program at another school.

I hope that helps. Also take look at another thread on this site that I started in the spring. There is a post from a current student that adds some perspective.

The people in the nursing school seem very nice and I am sure will share the data and the process for the application to the BSN program after the 2nd year.

Thanks @burghdad After I posted, I found the info on Alabama’s website. All of the schools my DD applied to (all for nursing) are NOT direct admit to the BSN program, except for Clemson. Which is a reach school for her. I appreciate the help!