Nursing at Bama

<p>So, my understanding is that you enter the University as a prenursing major for your freshmen and sophomore years, then you apply to the nursing school (provided you have completed all of the prerequisite courses and sufficient grades) where you will be for junior and senior year. I’ve read on the Capstone College of Nursing website that they currently accept 96 students for the fall and 96 students for the spring. My question is how many students are applying? It’s understood that any nursing school will be competitive to get into, but is Alabama’s exceptionally hard? Just curious…</p>

<p>You can expect solid competition for those spots at Alabama, just like any good nursing school. But again, what will separate the candidates will be how well they do in their required classes. I know that one of my students turned down an in-state school (in Virginia), because she did not want to take the chance that she may not get into its nursing program following her sophomore year. There are just 70 spots each year. She knew students who had nearly perfect grades and scores who did not land spots. Instead, she will attend a private school where she has immediate entrance into the nursing program.</p>

<p>* She knew students who had nearly perfect grades and scores who did not land spots.*</p>

<p>that can happen at schools/states where the nursing programs are “impacted.” Calif is the same way.</p>

<p>it’s not like that at Alabama. Yes, you do need very good grades, but it’s not crazy like some states are. (My niece had to wait an extra semester to get into a Calif nursing program.) </p>

<p>The rule of thumb at Bama is that if you have a good GPA (3.5) you’ll surely be accepted. </p>

<p>*Undergraduate Program - Admissions Future Students</p>

<p>Students are admitted to the Capstone College of Nursing when they meet The University of Alabama admission requirements and declare nursing as their major. The application for admission is available at [Apply</a> for Admission - Undergraduate Admissions - The University of Alabama](<a href=“”></p>

<p>The degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing requires the completion of the courses presented in the Undergraduate Program of Study. This consists of lower division courses taken during the first 2 years of study and upper division courses that carry an NUR designation taken during the remainder of the course of study.</p>

<p>Promotion to the upper division (nursing courses) occurs after the sophomore year and is competitive. Students applying for promotion must meet all minimum requirements to be considered. These requirements are:</p>

<p>•A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on required lower division classes.
•A minimum cumulative grade point average of a 2.75 on all required science classes.
•Completion of or current enrollment in all lower division courses at application deadline.
•Students who complete at least 32 credit hours of the required lower division coursework in residence at UA will be given preference.

<p>I’m not sure if a 3.5 will be enough to get you into the nursing program at Bama. When we toured we were told it is very competitive and you’ll need more like a 3.8 to get in, maybe slightly lower for spring semester, but not much.</p>

<p>Were you told a 3.8 or are you assuming that from the words “very competitive”?</p>

<p>My friend and her D just visited Capstone College of Nursing and were told a 3.5 was pretty assured.</p>

<p>We were specifically told 3.8 was the lowest GPA for the last group that had gotten in in the last cycle. We visited in November of last year.</p>

<p>Okay, I went back to my tour report and this is what I had written:</p>

<p>“Average GPA last term was a 3.8, but they have a 98 percent pass rate for their graduates (national average is 80 percent).”</p>


<p>So, was that the avg GPA for the past term who are currently in the program? </p>

<p>That would be different than the avg GPA of those admitted into the program as sophs. It’s not unusual for nursing students to have high GPAs once in the program and doing clinicals. </p>

<p>Their frosh/soph GPAs while taking the pre-reqs of bio, chem, and ochem would likely be a bit lower.</p>

<p>Yes…Bama enjoys a high pass rate for the national exam.</p>

<p>That was the average GPA for the students that were accepted into the program that most recent term. We had a long discussion about how you need a high GPA to get into the program. We didn’t talk about the GPA of current students.</p>

<p>Perhaps 3.8 was the average of those admitted, but that is different from a cutoff of a 3.8. If the average is 3.8, consider that some got in with 4.0’s and even 4.3 as Bama is on the plus system. If you had 75% of the class get in with a 4.0, you could have 25% of the class get in with a 3.5 (and even slip in some 3.4’s for good measure). So it is still conceivable that 3.5 can get you in the program.</p>

<p>I would think it also depend on what your grades are in bio, chem, ochem, etc. </p>

<p>I wonder if they determine a “science GPA” and a “cum GPA” like they do for med school admittance.</p>

<p>I am not sure if this really applies to this thread, but I am on this site a lot for my H.S. Senior and I thought I might try and help my other daughter as well. She is a sophomore at Bama and has completed all of her nursing pre reqs. She is debating now applying for summer or fall promotion into upper division. She has a great GPA and would have no problem getting in either way, so does anyone here have any insight into which one is better? or what the differences even are? I am confused about the whole bit, so any information would help!</p>

<p>If she applies for summer promotion, does that mean that she’d have to be on campus this summer (live and take classes)? If so, will that be a problem?</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many nursing students are in the honors college? Just wondering if DD should pursue the honors college or just concentrate on the nursing program. Thanks.</p>

<p>*Just wondering if DD should pursue the honors college or just concentrate on the nursing program. Thanks. *</p>

<p>It’s usually always beneficial to be in the HC…priority registration, etc. Being in the HC shouldn’t be a negative because the classes aren’t “additional”…they usually fulfil core req’ts.</p>

<p>What AP credits will your D be coming in with?</p>

<p>To answer your question…there are about 130 nursing students in the Honors College.</p>

<p>Oh good. I’m so glad to hear there are that many nursing students involved in Honors. She definitely wants to participate in honors.<br>
I’m not 100% sure how many classes she has credit for but I do know she has 2 years of English, Political Science, world History, Anatomy and Calculus covered. She isn’t taking the AP Biology exam this year because she doesn’t feel prepared. She may take the government exam but I don’t even know if she really needs the credit. Does government and poli sci count as a humanities? She was thinking about honors chemistry but she was warned to take it easy her first semester since she’s rushing. So she’s not sure what to do.</p>

<p>A couple of photos I took of the new College of Nursing facilities a year or so ago.</p>

<p>[Capstone</a> College of Nursing pictures by feenotype - Photobucket](<a href=“Photo and Video Storage | Photobucket”>Photo and Video Storage | Photobucket)</p>

<p>*for but I do know she has 2 years of English, Political Science, world History, Anatomy and Calculus covered. She isn’t taking the AP Biology exam this year because she doesn’t feel prepared. She may take the government exam but I don’t even know if she really needs the credit. *</p>

<p>Are the above credits in AP or dual credits?</p>

<p>The AP Gov credit is good to have. It counts as 3 credits of Social Behavior. Supposedly, it’s not a hard AP exam to pass.</p>

<p>Feeno…Thanks for sharing the pics.</p>

<p>Great photos! Thanks for sharing. </p>

<p>I know 1 English, History and Calculus are AP, I’m not sure if her English class last year was AP or DE as well as Political Science. I know Anatomy was dual enrollment because it was taught by a local college professor. She took a few other AP classes but chose to only take some of the tests and she really bombed her AP American History test. We weren’t planning on using any of those classes towards college but now that she’s going out of state and nursing is a 4 1/2 year program we are planning on using them. </p>

<p>Do Social Behavior classes count as humanities? I know she needs 12 hours in humanities. I will have her take the government test even though she has a major case of senioritis. Since she wants to become a nurse practioner or physicians assistant, she really should take the Biology class again.</p>

<p>Yes, she should take the bio again.</p>

<p>She needs to make sure she takes the right Bio if she’s considering PA school. She’d need the Bio that the pre-meds take…not the one for nursing (altho nursing likely accepts it as well).</p>

<p>She needs to take Principals of Bio I and II. She may want to use her AP credits to cover Bio II since that’s boring and about plants and stuff, and only take Bio I and then take some Bio that will be helpful - like BioChem or Cell Bio.</p>

<p>Do Social Behavior classes count as humanities?</p>

<p>Here’s the link for AP/IB/CLEP credits
[University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>It counts as “Social Behaviorial Science”</p>

<p>Humanities (also there will be some in the Honors College - look for those as well)
Honors for this Spring - will give you an idea of offerings
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>[Core</a> Curriculum – General Studies Course Listing | The Office of the University Registrar - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Core”>
AAST 249 African American Literature HU or L
AMS 150 Arts and Values HU
AMS 151 World, Nations, Regions HU

  • AMS 203 Southern Lives HU
  • AMS 204 Western American Lives HU
    AMS 205 Working Lives HU
  • AMS 231 Contemporary American HU
    AMS 232 Contemporary American in Music HU
    ARH 151 Introduction to the Visual Arts FA
    ARH 252 Survey of Art I FA
    ARH 253 Survey of Art II FA
    ARH 254 Survey of Art III FA
  • ART 251 Reboot/Remix FA or HU
    BEF 155 Freshman Seminar HU
  • BUI 101 Foundations: Origins HU
  • CHI 101 Elementary Chinese I HU
  • CHI 102 Elementary Chinese II HU
  • CHI 201 Intermediate Chinese I HU
  • CHI 202 Intermediate Chinese II HU
  • CIP 200 Introduction to Global Studies HU
    CL 222 Greek and Roman Mythology HU
    COM 100 Rhetoric and Society HU
    COM 121 Honors Critical Decision Making HU
    COM 122 Critical Decision Making HU
    COM 123 Public Speaking HU
  • COM 155 Freshman Seminar HU
    COM 210 Oral Interpretation of Literature HU
  • EN 155 Freshman Seminar FA
    EN 205 English Literature I HU or L
    EN 206 English Literature II HU or L
    EN 207 World Literature I HU or L
    EN 208 World Literature II HU or L
    EN 209 American Literature I HU or L
    EN 210 American Literature II HU or L
    EN 215 Honors English Literature I HU or L
    EN 216 Honors English Literature II HU or L
    EN 219 Honors American Literature I HU or L
    EN 220 Honors American Literature II HU or L
  • EN 249 African American Literature HU or L
    FA 200 Introduction to Fine Arts FA
    FR 101 Elementary French I HU
    FR 102 Elementary French II HU
    FR 103 French First Year Review HU
    FR 201 Intermediate French I HU
    FR 202 Intermediate French II HU
    GN 101 Elementary German I HU
    GN 102 Elementary German II HU
  • GN 103 Accelerated Elementary German I HU
    GN 201 Intermediate German I HU
    GN 202 Intermediate German II HU
    GN 260 The Holocaust in Film and Literature HU
  • GN 264 German Literature in Translation I HU or L
  • GN 265 German Literature in Translation II HU or L
    GR 101 Beginning Greek I HU
    GR 102 Beginning Greek II HU
    IT 101 Introductory Italian I HU
    IT 102 Introductory Italian II HU
    IT 201 Intermediate Italian I HU
    IT 202 Intermediate Italian II HU
  • JA 101 Elementary Japanese I HU
  • JA 102 Elementary Japanese II HU
  • JA 201 Intermediate Japanese I HU
  • JA 202 Intermediate Japanese II HU
    JN 200 Introduction to Journalism HU
    LA 101 Elementary Latin I HU
    LA 102 Elementary Latin II HU
    LA 201 Intermediate Latin Reading I HU
    LA 202 Intermediate Latin Reading II HU
    MUS 121 Introduction to Listening FA
    MUS 250 Music in World Cultures FA
  • NEW 155 Freshman Seminar HU
    NEW 211 Humanities I: Perspectives HU
    NEW 212 Humanities I: Creativity HU or FA
    NEW 215 Humanities I: Perspectives in Environmental Studies HU
    PHL 100 Introduction to Philosophy HU
  • PHL 104 Critical Thinking HU
    PHL 105 Honors Introduction to Philosophy HU
    PHL 200 Ethics HU
    PHL 201 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy HU
    PHL 202 Honors Introductory Ethics HU
    PHL 204 Medical Ethics HU
  • PHL 217 Aesthetics FA
    PHL 220 Political Philosophy HU
  • PHL 235 American Philosophy HU
    PHL 251 Renaissance and Modern Philosophy HU
  • PHL 252 Mind and Nature HU
    REL 100 Introduction to Religions Studies HU
    REL 101 Western Approaches to the Problem of Evil HU
  • REL 105 Honors Introduction to Religious Studies HU
    REL 110 Introduction to Hebrew Bible HU
    REL 112 Introduction to the New Testament HU
    REL 220 Survey of Asian Religions HU
    REL 224 Introduction to Judaism HU
    RUS 101 Elementary Russian I HU
    RUS 102 Elementary Russian II HU
    RUS 201 Intermediate Russian I HU
    RUS 202 Intermediate Russian II HU
    RUS 223 19th Century Russian Literature in Translation HU or L
    RUS 224 Modern Russian Literature in Translation HU or L
    SP 101 Introductory Spanish I HU
    SP 102 Introductory Spanish II HU
    SP 103 Intensive Review Introductory Spanish HU
  • SP 104 Spanish for Engineering HU
    SP 201 Intermediate Spanish I HU
    SP 202 Intermediate Spanish II HU
    TCF 112 Motion Picture History and Criticism HU or FA
    TH 114 Introduction to Theatre FA
    UH 101 Survey: Values and Society HU
  • UH 155 Freshman Seminar HU
    UH 201 Classics and Western Culture I HU
    UH 202 Classics and Eastern Culture HU
  • UH 203 Classic and Western Culture II HU
  • UH 210 Honors Fine Arts FA
    UH 331 Save First: Pverty in America HU
    UH 332 Bridge Builders of Alabama HU
    UH 333 Every Move Counts ChessED Project HU
    UH 334 Documenting Justice I HU
    UH 335 Documenting Justice II HU
    UH 350 Black Belt Experience HU
    WL 207 World Literature I HU or L
    WL 208 World Literature II HU or L
    WL 223 19th Century Russian Literature in Translation HU or L
    WL 224 20th Century Russian Literature in Translation HU or L
    WS 200 Introductory to Women Studies HU </p>

<p>Your D might want to take the CLEP tests for US History - the tests are easier than AP</p>

<p>History of the United States I: Early Colonization to 1877 52 HY 203 3 HI</p>

<p>History of the United States II: 1865 to the Present 52 HY 204 3 HI</p>