<p>does anyone know for sure waht the acceptance rate is a w nd l? collegeboard says 17% while usa today collge rankings say 27%. needless to say this is a gigantic difference. does anyone know for sure what is correct? i cant find anything about it on w nd l's own website.</p>
<p>Use the attached link to W&L’s common data set and look at Section C, which provides the number of students applying and accepted for the past several years</p>
<p>[Common</a> Data Set](<a href=“Accreditation and Institutional Research : Washington and Lee University”>Accreditation and Institutional Research : Washington and Lee University)</p>
<p>I think last year it was around 15-16%</p>
<p>midwesterndad’s data set puts it more around the 27% mark. why do u think its was around 15-16, lindz? do u have ne evidence? im honestly curious cuz it seems kinda strange that collegeboard would just be blatantly wrong, but it would be more strange if this common data set thing were wrong so idk.</p>
<p>Washington and Lee University (Class of 2012)</p>
<p>Applied: 6,386
Accepted: 1,074
Acceptance percentage: 16.81%
Enrolled 456 (225 women, 231 men)</p>
<p>Source: W&L Admissions Office
<a href=“http://www.wlu.edu/x19676.xml[/url]”>http://www.wlu.edu/x19676.xml</a></p>
<p>thanks 1putt59—my son is a freshman and recall the rate being right around 16%. it had been higher previous years, and went down a bit last year</p>
<p>holy cow.
my level of paranoia just increased 50%.</p>
<p>thanks guys. i just rechecked midwestern dad’s nd it turns out i was originally looking at the year before. his stuff also confirms 16%. wow…johnson scholarship made thier rate go down over ten percent…insane…nd like all schools its only going down this year</p>