Acceptance Rates - Econ vs Business

This discussion was created from comments split from: Acceptance rates - e con vs businr.

Does anyone know if the acceptance rate for an Economics major is the same, easier, or more difficult than a Business Major? Both are majors within the Orfaleo College. I understand that admissions fill spots by specific major, but only release common data on acceptance by College?

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Are you referring to Cal Poly SLO’s Orfelea School of Business? If so, then post your discussion in the SLO forum.

Based on the SLO projections for 2020-2021, Econ expected 994 applicants for 70 spots and Business admin expected 5777 applicants for 581 spots. If you consider a yield of 33% (guesstimate) then Econ had around a 21% acceptance rate and Business Admin had a 30% acceptance rate.

What the data does not show you is how competitive the Econ applicants are vs. the Business Admin applicants. Also SLO does not state their yield rate for each major which could differ from the 33% yield noted.

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My daughter was persuaded by college counselor to apply for Economics over Business and she got in - this was five years ago. A lot of her friends at high school with strong records did not get into Business. She did well in classes and was pro-active with professors/staff at Orfaleo and transferred into Business after sophomore year. SLO has reputation for difficulty changing majors once in but it seems if you do well in classes and are determined you can make changes. In addition, Econ was part of Orfaleo which made it not such a stretch.