Apply Political Science or Business Administration?

My daughter is interested in both majors. Political Science and Business Administration or Economics. However, both seem to be difficult to get accepted in.

She is a California student
Spent junior year overseas studying abroad
Cal poly GPA 4.26 (I think it’s high because she has no junior year grades to report)

Target projections admit rates for 2022-2023 are below.
Political Science around 16%
Economics around 19%
Business Admin around 24% but had around 6 times as many applicants vs the other 2 majors.

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Thank you for the quick response.

Do you think it’s “looked upon negatively “ if you change your major on your “submitted” application ?

No, it will not be a negative. Since SLO admits by major it is important that an applicant selects the best choice for them.

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Our S23 changed his major on his submitted application just over a week ago. FYI, the process took two days. He filled out a form, received a confirmation email, then two days later he received another email saying the request was approved, and the new major now appears in his portal. Seemed like a simple process. I doubt that it would be looked upon negatively, and there might not even be any record in the application that it was changed from another major. SLO admissions doesn’t have much of a holistic component anyway.

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Thanks. I think she needs to look at the list of courses for each major. She has lots of interests and really isn’t set on one specific major
Thanks so much for your help.

Pay attention to how difficult it is to change into each major after enrolling.


Just want to point out an important point regarding changing any majors at SLO:

  • Must have been eligible for admission into new major when CSU Application to Cal Poly was submitted.

This prevents students from using a back door into a competitive major ie. Select a less competitive major to gain an acceptance and then change into the desired major.

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It would be a more effective deterrent against the “back door” approach if they published their MCA formula and historical thresholds for each major, so that applicants will know which majors are actually the more selective majors and how selective they are.

I agree but the Target projections at least give you an idea of the # of applicants for each major along with their target # of enrolled students.

In the case of Business Admin, they project 7209 applicants for 585 spots. For Political Science, 1493 applicants for 82 spots and Econ with 1107 applicants for 70 spots.

SLO does not post admit rates by major however they do post admit rates by College.

I was curious and googled “Cal Poly SLO target projections” to try to find the data you are looking at. Are these the relevant documents? Targets - Institutional Research - Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

How do you estimate admit rate from the target projections?

Yes, those are the target projections. You can look up the admit rate and yield by College on the link. I just assume an average of 3 times as many admits are needed to Reach their target enrolled. This will vary from major to major but it gives you an approximate value. So in the instance of Business Admin, you take the target enrolled of 585x3 and divide by # of applicants to get the 24% acceptance rate.

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