Acceptance to Cal Poly Pomona, CSULB, Fullerton, Cal Poly, UCR, UC merced HELP

<p>I have a UC GPA of 3.8(Soph/Junior year), 530 in writing 450 in math and 480 in CR for the SAT, SUbject test scores of 560 in Math 2 , and 740 in spainsh, and a ACT of 22, I did horrible my first semester of senior year, I got a 3.0 due to the fact that I<code>m taking A.P Calculus A.P Physics and AP English Lit., I</code>m freaking out and need to know if my possiblities are still strong for the school`s I applied to(in Question)</p>

<p>Sorry, I’m not that familiar with the CA public schools, except for the fact that by law they can’t practice AA and tend to be very numbers driven in their decisions. I suggest you also ask on the UC subforum and on any of those other schools that have individual school forums.</p>

<p>The UC GPA is the same as a weighted GPA, just to clarify. my Unweighted GPA is a 3.4 i believe
and i go to a catholic private school</p>

<p>As far as the UCs, they do not consider senior-year grades for admission unless they ask for additional information (and they do not for most people). Students are required to complete their course of study and keep a certain GPA – I believe it’s 3.0 for senior year – or the university can withdraw an acceptance for admission.</p>

<p>So lets say they do ask for my senior first semester grades, they will see that i have a 2.8 weighted, i found out just yesterday, will they deny me right there and then, or are they going to see it and wait until my full year is complete to see if im eligible to go to their school?
i really want to go to cal poly pomona and i applied to their industrial engineering program, am I pretty much denied? should i switch major?</p>

<p>I don’t know about the Cal States, but for the UCs the only real concern would be if you got a D or F in a required subject area. The UCs will not count a D or F. In that case, you should talk to your counselor about how to make up that course before fall. If you did not get a D, then just try to do well the rest of the year. Unless you hear otherwise, your admissions decision will be based on what you already submitted.</p>

<p>honestly i am relieved because of this!!
thanks soo much
i didnt fail i only got poor grades in my ap classes.
I applied to UCSB, UCI, UC Merced and UCR
How are my chances looking for any of these schools,</p>

<p>I think your GPA is competitive for UCSB and UCI, but your SAT is a little low. This is where the full application comes into consideration, and you have to just wait for the admissions process to play out. UCI has moved to an evaluation process similar to Berkeley and UCLA – and many other universities. It’s known as “holistic” review, which means the entire application, including essays and extra-curricular, is considered for each applicant. This differs from a process by which a certain number of students are admitted based on GPA/test scores.</p>

<p>Once again thank you so much, I am certain that my extra curri’s will play out, and the fact that I’m both first generation american and go to college hopefully aid me. thank you so much!!</p>

<p>Am I good for Merced and Riverside?</p>