I am not really into any specific sort of theater, I just love to act.
I have heard disturbing things as well about Gambier but have no choice coz I got in ED. I even heard that there is no transportation and you need to hire a shuttle beforehand to get out of Kenyon!!!
When I was in high school, my school represented Nepal, US and Pakistan. I led Pakistan and had a lot of fun. I was granted audience by the ambassador of pakistan to nepal as well. this event changed my aim and i now wish to work for the UN (hopefully in the top spot, hehe)</p>
I am not really into any specific sort of theater, I just love to act.
I have heard disturbing things as well about Gambier but have no choice coz I got in ED. I even heard that there is no transportation and you need to hire a shuttle beforehand to get out of Kenyon!!!
When I was in high school, my school represented Nepal, US and Pakistan. I led Pakistan and had a lot of fun. I was granted audience by the ambassador of pakistan to nepal as well. this event changed my aim and i now wish to work for the UN (hopefully in the top spot, hehe)
hope to see you this fall at Kenyon.</p>
<p>There are a lot of rumors about Kenyon. I live right next to Gamibier in Mount Vernon. It's true there is no public transportation like buses or taxis. We have a "taxi like" service inKnox county but it's crap, only use it if you absolutely HAVE to!! </p>
<p>As for the rumors, I think they're just that, rumors.</p>
<p>brokenchild, so how r u supposed to get out of kenyon if you dont have a car? I am an international student and cant afford one.</p>
<p>I heard that the shuttle service is very good and takes u to Mount Vernon pretty much all the time and there is also a shuttle that goes twice a month to Columbus. What's more students give their car to disposition writing it on a web site and it's not that expensive to get a ride that way so i believe we shouldn't worry about this!</p>
<p>You can take the taxi service Knox county has. And if Kenyon ahs their own shuttle (not too sure but probably fromwhat everyone else says) things will be fine. Don't worry about it. Gambier is a small town and almost everything you need is right there.</p>
<p>thanks loads guys for the reassurance.</p>
<p>I just got my acceptance letter in the mail today. It was a very nice surprise to come home from prom dress shopping and it. </p>
<p>They were VERY generous with financial aid!! I'm almost getting a free ride. That made is excited as well. </p>
<p>Still not sure I'm going to Kenyon. I'm waiting on letters from four other colleges still.</p>
<p>A little about me:</p>
<p>I live in Ohio (right next to Gambier) and plan to major is psychology. I've been involved with dance, baton, band, NHS, Spanish Club, FCCLA, Quiz Bowl, and Yearbook throughout high school.</p>
<p>I would like to try some sports in college, maybe track or volleyball.</p>
<p>Where else have u applied?</p>
<p>Did somebody else receive his letter of admission?</p>
<p>Congratulations of course!!!</p>
<p>In all I've applied to:</p>
<p>Towson University (Accepted)
Goucher College (Accepted)
Kenyon College (Accepted)
Johns Hopkins University
Princeton University
Yale University
Harvard University (Deferred EA)</p>
<p>Have the intls students received any emails?</p>
<p>congs brokenchild. good luck to all hopefuls.</p>