Accepted Students Open House

<p>Did anyone else receive the email about this event? I haven't been informed of a decision yet because I'm a music major so our decisions aren't supposed to come out till the end of the week. My question is, does this mean I'm in? Or is it to anyone accepted or not notifed yet? Thanks!</p>

<p>I’m in the exact same situation!!! I just got the email and it’s driving me nuts. I figure it’s too late to call them or anything now, so I’m just gonna wait until tomorrow and see what happens. Congrats!!! Fingers crossed for Frost!</p>

<p>Yeah it’s driving me nuts too!! I don’t want to get too excited though…I signed up for the open house and local info session though so now they have to take me! :wink: but just a reminder, they have a combined frost, university decision, not too separate, right? Because I’m nervous I just got into the university and not Frost.</p>

<p>My D is EXACTLY in the same state of excitement, emotions and controlled celebration. We also remember that they said they started making just one decision starting couple of years ago. We hope that UM becomes affordable.</p>

<p>I’m glad you guys are in the same situation, because I would be totally freaking myself out if I thought I was the only one! I hadn’t heard anything about there only being one decision, I would think that you can be rejected or wait listed at Frost and still be accepted to the university. I do know that we’re supposed to find everything (Frost decision, University decision, and financial aid) all at the same time. That’s why this really threw me off!</p>

<p>No I do remember them saying it was one decision, I just wanted confirmation. Just making sure all the different schools’ info isn’t running together! Lol</p>

<p>Sorry to keep on commenting, but I don’t get the one decision thing. Can you explain it?</p>

<p>I think the music school admissions and university admissions come together and make one combined decision. Like the university may want you academically but if Frost says no, you won’t get in at all. However, if you’re not quite there academically, but Frost is dying to have you, they’ll get you in.</p>

<p>I just got the email tht I got into Frost!!! I bet you all will get the same one!</p>

<p>Me too!! Congrats everyone!! Hopefully see you there! What degree path/instrument are you?</p>

<p>Congrats guys!! Go check in on the class of 2016 roll call thread, it needs some lovin’ :D</p>

<p>My D got her acceptance e-mail this morning too. She will continue these conversations later.</p>

<p>If accepted student day is April 1, how can they still not have all decisions out? Don’t they need to give families enough time to make plans? I don’t get it.</p>

<p>Cshecmia: I feel the same way! I haven’t received a decision yet via email, myUM, mail, etc. I need to know soon so that I can start planning either for UM or for a different school.</p>

<p>Someone from India just posted that they got their acceptance. We live about 5 minutes away and haven’t heard a thing, lol. When did you apply? Maybe they’re going by the date of application? At least MyUm status changed from a checklist of application materials to “Your application has been sent to the committee for review.”. Good luck!</p>

<p>I applied on Feb. 3rd. My status says “Application Documents Received”. Does this mean my app is not under review yet?! </p>

<p>Judging from your son’s stats/character, they’re probably saving a special spot for him + scholarships.</p>

<p>You have to click on that link, too. It used to have the app checklist and a few days ago switched to app in review. Thanks for the optimistic thoughts. I’m sure that your spot is right next to his :)</p>

<p>Geekerme, did you hear anything? My son got Open House email but nothing else yet.</p>

<p>Same here. Admitted student open house email, but no notice of admission. UM status says “application has been sent to the committe for review,” and a decision will be made by April 15th.</p>

<p>Did they make a mistake and send out the invitations before the decisions were made? It would be cruel to invite someone to an admitted students open house and then reject them.</p>

<p>Well it seems like all of us who got it before Frost sent decisions got in, so I’m sure you all did too! :)</p>