Has anyone heard a date for admission decisions to post for class of 2020 ?

No, but so anxious!!!

Waiting, too. Really hoping to hear this week. I thought they said mid-March when D auditioned and in reading some of last years posts it looks like they notified by the 20th. D only has one other school besides Miami that we are awaiting decision from and we expect to hear from them this week. Just want to have all offers in hand and start crunching numbers and talking about final decisions. There’s really only about 6 weeks left to decide. Yikes!

@dbandmom, the website does say “mid-March,” so we’ve been going nuts since the 15th. S is waiting on 2 others besides Frost, but those are saying April 1.

Well, I had myself convinced today would be the day. Still nothing! Anyone want to call and ask?!

D is planning on scheduling final visits to 2 schools - top choices that she feels she needs to see again to help decide - so we need to know which schools they are! She has 1 scheduled for week after next that we are pretty sure will be one of her top choices.

I don’t think she is really counting on being accepted at Frost, but it would be nice to know. We’ve had a few surprises (good and bad) during this process, so you can’t count on anything! We just want to be able to put everything in perspective.

I went ahead and called them just now. Wow, they’re nice! They said decisions will start going out next week and will continue until the end of the month. So I guess we won’t bother camping out at the mailbox until Monday. :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for checking!!

Thank you @JazzKeyMom ! As of today, we are officially down to waiting only on Miami!

I can’t be 100% certain, but I was pretty sure they told us they release decisions on CaneLink. A few schools have done this. D got an email saying basically “log on for your decision”. So, I hope that’s the case. Our mail is somehow ridiculously slow. We’ve been getting snail mail decisions later than everyone else it seems.

Good luck everyone!

@dbandmom , did your daughter get good news today? From the acceptances thread, it looks like she’s got some wonderful options already. Here’s to good news for all! (And I know what you mean about regular mail. Much harder for an email or portal notification to get lost or delayed).

Yes, @JazzKeyMom she has another option to consider! Thank you!

Did anyone hear their decision? Regular decisions posted on Canelink and we did not hear

Nope, still nothing! Argh!!!

Nothing here either. I told D to log in to Canelink to make sure we had nothing new on her “to do” list, but I don’t know if she did. There had been nothing on there and then about a week or so ago it said they were missing a schedule from our tax return. We resubmitted it, but I don’t think she’s logged back in since to see if it was removed from the list or not. Ugh. I will remind her before bed!

Nothing here either.

I just read on Miami’s Office of Admissions Facebook page that Frost decisions have NOT yet been sent out. :frowning: In the post announcing that decisions were live and packets had been sent out, someone asked if Frost decisions had been sent out as well, and the Admissions office replied “Not yet, stay tuned.” That reply was posted today about 5 hours ago. Bummer!

In another reply today: “Upcoming weeks, stay tuned.”


On the Frost Admissions FB dated March 10 it said:

“Undergraduate admission decisions are being made now! We will probably release within the next week to week and a half.”

Hey Frost applicants! I HIGHLY urge you to check your financial aid page at CaneLink! I went to check mine just cause why not, knowing I haven’t gotten any form of decision yet and I had no access a couple days ago. Today, I discovered I now have access to it and I got scholarships reported on there! No decisions yet but merit scholarships are up, weird I know. If this is happening to me, I don’t see why it could not happen to anyone else. Good luck!

Same here! Generous scholarship but no official acceptance.

Yay! Same here!

Do they specify merit scholarships? Congratulations!!