
<p>I just found out I got accepted into Miami about 2 hours ago from MyUM. doesn't say much.</p>

<p>Should I assume that I got into my major I wanted, in Frost? Or do I need to wait for a separate letter?</p>

<p>How long was it for those of you who found out on MyUM before you got the "official" letter and/or scholarships? </p>

<p>What about those from Frost? Do they give decent scholarships?</p>

<p>I got the package in the mail before I could view my acceptance in myUM. It was pretty weird.</p>

<p>If you got accepted chances are you got accepted to the major you specified.</p>


<p>hello! I got into frostand it did not specify online. wait for zepackage-if you got in it'll say something like this at the top: "Congratulations! You have been accepted to the freshman class of2011 to univeristy ofmiami, and are granted permission to begin studies at the philip patricia frost school of music." theni got a letter like4 days later congraulating me getting into the patience will tell :P</p>

<p>Thanks! I had given up all hope and yesterday morning just decided to forget about it and move on...and then I got in last night! I'm really excited because my other 2 schools don't have the school spirit (football team, etc.) that Miami does. And I was getting disappointed that I didn't have a school like that to choose from. So now I'm really excited. I haven't visited the campus yet, though.</p>

<p>the campus, music4988, is INCREDIBLEEE. i'm not quite sure you can beat it. There's a huge central lake with a beautiful fountain, lovely residence dorms (not the dorms themselves lol) with a ton of palm trees that fringe every inch of the campus. It's just really nice and evident that the school takes a lot of pride in itself :P. If you end up at miami, let me know. it is my alternative to tulane (or in that case tulane is my alternative to miami if i dont get a scholarship lol.) chao!</p>

<p>Miami does give very nice financial aid packages. even to the rich kids that go there. im not loaded but i am fairly well off. my EFC was 30,000 so i wasnt expecting a very nice package :(
However either way I ended up getting the whole gap covered which was quite nice. I can tell u Miami does try to fill in the financial gaps pretty well.</p>

<p>Which dorm are you all asking for first?</p>

<p>I would love to see my financial package, any ideas when they will be out for the music majors?</p>

<p>When i filed my application i put Stanford. But i changed it to Hecht cause they say the lobby looks like a freakin palace. I saw pics and it does look like the lobby of a hotel resort as opposed to the sorta plain looking lobby of Stanford. Also Stanford was more for music majors, as it has their own practice rooms. Hecht is more general and from what ive seen, nice looking (with exception to rooms and hallways which are the same.</p>

<p>Stanfords lobby's are scheduled for remodel this summer. They used Stanford last year as a summer conference residence, so they couldn't remodel during the summer.</p>