<p>I just checked my Summer Seminar status page and it says accepted! I am so excited! It also says that there are 114 slots still available for session A, 125 for session B, and 134 for session C. Has anyone else heard yet?</p>
<p>Congrats! Wish I would have done SS last year.</p>
<p>Thanks! Now I just have to choose a session that will fit my schedule (does anyone know how to make June longer?).</p>
<p>Spin counterclockwise. You’ll slowly rob the Earth of angular momentum, slowing down its rotation by the tiniest bit, which will slightly lengthen the month of June.</p>
<p>Or, ride in a spaceship moving in a reference frame moving at a speed that is approaching the speed of light. This means that, according to the Lorentz Transform, T’=t1’-t2’=T0/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2). Therefore, T’>T0. </p>
<p>Don’t you wish you were a physics major?! :)</p>
<p>Let me answer that: no. ;)</p>
<p>Congrats! SS is awesome… One of the best weeks of my summer. You’ve heard early though, so it may be a while before others start hearing. Congrats though!</p>
<p>And PETKO and ZMAN: Can’t say I didn’t learn anything today :D</p>
<p>So the whole physics major is now a definite NO</p>
<p>Ok, making my decision off of that, the only reason I would even think about Physics at USAFA is to be entertained by the mannerisms of the PhD who gave us a tour of the observatory at SS last year. Cadet Eickholt said that guy was applying to be an astronaut, he did seem like he had his head in the clouds!</p>
<p>hmmmmm good ol’ Cadet Eickholt was our training officer last semester… A good guy…</p>
<p>I am either going Behavioral Science or possibly FAS concentrating on Russia ;)</p>
<p>Hey Falcongirl - congrats! We (Mom & Dad) thought you were just kidding to stress out the rest of us waiting to hear about acceptances. On a whim we checked the website and lo and behold DS was accepted as well. We’re just east of you in sunny warm (not today!) Green Bay, WI. What session are you going to?</p>
<p>A bit more exciting than linear algebra though, don’t you agree?</p>
<p>I just accepted session A. Not too warm here either. Actually, school was canceled the last two days because it was -20 :D</p>
<p>I guess Zman…</p>
<p>Marciemi, I was born in Green Bay…</p>
<p>That class… don’t even get me started. I love DFMS.</p>
<p>falcongirl- Did you get out of school for -20 base temp or windchill? Here at the head of the lake it has to be past -50 windchill for them to even consider closing school down, then it’s about 50/50.</p>
<p>falcongirl - DS is going to session C in order to try to attend seminars at USMA (already accepted) and USNA (admission not open yet). I’ll suggest he get a signon to this site so he can chat with his peers. Are you looking at any other service academies? And BTW, you beat us as it was only -17 here yesterday. Schools were canx the last two days due to extreme wind chills and risk of frostbite for students walking to school or waiting for the bus. We are now one in the hole snow days. One more day of school for DS to miss in May/June when he’s at an academy! DW and I both graduated from USMA. She attended USNA and USMA summer seminars and I worked at USMA seminar as a Firstie. I think you’ll get a lot out of it.</p>
<p>packermatt7 - Are you a cadet or a high school senior?</p>
<p>packermatt7 - saw your name on the congrats 2013 thread so I answered my own question. Congrats on your LOA!</p>
<p>I remember that F=ma! Does that count for something?</p>