Accesing Financial Aid Online without creating NYU Account

So I just recieved my acceptance package today. However, I cannot find any indication of my financial aid package in it. However, there is a big card that details info about creating an NYUHome account, which does mention logging on to access my financial aid award. However, I dont want to create an NYUHome account if I'm not gonna go to NYU (my decision to go is 1000% based on the financial aid they give), so is there any way I can access my financial aid award without creating an NYUHome account and getting an NYU email?</p>

<p>I really shot myself in the leg with NYU, since I didnt send in my FAFSA until March 15 (as I had completely forgotten about NYU until I recieved my Gallatin likely letter that day), so that may be why I didnt receive any award letter with my acceptance package. </p>


<p>I’m pretty sure you can make an account without telling them that you’re attending. Like, I just made one and I’m not sure if I’ll be attending.</p>

<p>Nevermind, I just made my account and when I tried to log in for my fin. aid it said it didn’t have my email? Laaaaame</p>

<p>It seems to me like you can make your account regardless, and then if you dont send in your deposits, then you’re just not attending. Also, you can just send in your reply form with “decline admission” if you can’t go.</p>

did you figure out how to check it online? I’m having that same “email is unknown” problem.</p>

<p>Harvey33: Same here.</p>

<p>No, I gave up after awhile. I’m hoping it just means they don’t have my aid ready right now. I’ll check again tomorrow</p>

<p>hey it says in the letter that online financial aid isn’t available til april 1st. so that’s why you can’t access it yet</p>

<p>Mine still isn’t working???</p>